
04 Sep 2015|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Amity in association with Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute Limited, Mumbai launches Online Programmes in Global Financial Markets

It was a momentous occasion whenAmity University, reckoned for its progressive approach, signed an MoU withBombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute Limited, Mumbai and launched OnlineProgrammes in Global Financial Markets at University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

The MoU was signed by Mr. AbhinashKumar- Jt. Director, Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education andMr. Vinod Nair- Head Academics, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute Limited, Mumbai inthe presence of Mr. Ajit K Chauhan- Vice-Chairman, Amity Online, Mr. Abhay KChauhan- Vice President, Amity Online and Mr. Pulock Bhattacharya, VicePresident, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute Limited.

As part of the MoU, three OnlineProgrammes have been launched – MBA (2 years) in Global Financial Market,Post Graduate Diploma in Global Financial Market (1 year) and BCA in FinancialTechnologies (3 years) which could be pursued by working professionals who wantto give an edge to their profiles . All the programmes will include theexposure of foreign countries and study of International financial markets.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. AjitK Chauhan- Vice-Chairman, Amity Distance & Online saidthat Online Education offered by Amity is all geared up to become the biggestand best in the country and the present association with BSE is one importantstep in that direction. He shared that full time scholars pursuing regularprogrammes at Amity also have an option to enroll for any one of the programmeslaunched in the area of Global Financial markets and benefit immensely from theonline knowledge sharing by global financial experts. He expressed his hopethat the mutual association between Amity and BSE Institute Limited will bringout great results in the future.

Sharing his views, Mr. Vinod Nair-Head Academics, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Institute Limited, Mumbai outlinedthe various programmes offered by BSEIL and the focus of the Institute toincrease its reach by collaborating with partner institutions across thecountry. Referring to the MoU as “historic moment” for both the Institutions,he averred that the Institute, through its association with Amity Directorateof Distance and Online Education and its global reach, is looking forward tonurture globally competent professionals for financial markets.

During the occasion, Ms. SugandhaSachdeva- AVP& In-charge-Metals, Energy & Currency Research at Religare CommoditiesLimited deliveredthe lecture on “Global Economic Crisis”. She shared that global FinancialMarkets have a strong impact on Indian Market. Tracing the affect of globalevents on Indian Market, she stressed “Off late, the Chinese economy has sloweddown and the devaluation of Chinese currency-Yuan has affected Indian Market togreat extent. With long term devaluation of Chinese Currency, further downslideis expected in global markets. China is a major consumer of commodities in theworld, consuming 40% of global commodities and the countries like Indonesia,Vietnam and US which export commodities to China will be majorly affected withthe devaluation of its currency”. Sounding optimistic, at the same time, thelearned speaker said that Indian fundamentals are very robust and the overallMacro-economic factors are very positive with current Account Deficit undercontrol and rate of Inflation at 3.7% in July 2015 which is all time low. She expressed that India is a long time long story with a potential of 9-10%economic growth.

Delivering a lecture on“Application of Technical Analysis in various financial markets”, Prof.Himanshu Arora -Research Analyst at Religare Commodities Limited apprisedaudience with Indian Financial System and various markets including MoneyMarket, FOREX, Commodity Market, Equity Market, Insurance Market and ForeignExchange Market. He shared that Interest Rate in US is record low at 0.25% butif US hikes its interest rates, India will have to bear the brunt since theInvestments in India will shift to US causing fund outflows from Indian EquityMarket; Indian Currency will weaken; Inflation will rise and Forex Reserveswill decrease. He called upon the Finance students to keep them abreast withInter-market analysis to excel in their field.