
03 Sep 2015|Noida | Main Ground

Month Long Mega Sports Meet “Sangathan 2015” starts at Amity to celebrate Founder’s Day

“A healthy mind stays in a healthy body” and in order to ensure healthy mind, body and holistic grooming of the students and to celebrate Founder’s Day, Amity started annual month long mega Sports Meet “17th Sangathan” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Every year,the birthday of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group- the great visionary and dynamic leader, is celebrated with month long Sports Meet“Sangathan” which culminates on his birthday with the felicitation of thewinners of various Sports Events. Dr. Chauhan is of the view that academics along with co-curricular activities lead to holistic grooming of the students and Sports is very important in chiseling the personality of the students dueto the virtues Sports tend to imbibe in students.

This year, over5, 000 students from higher education institutions of all Amity campuses located across India and abroad will zealously participate in more than 20sports events including Hockey, Cricket, Football, Tennis, Swimming, Squash along with the Vintage Games, vying for the coveted glistening Sangathan Trophy .

The grand event commenced with the lighting of the “Sangathan Mashaal” by Dr. (Mrs.) BShukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University in the presence of Directors/HoIs and senior members of the management. The Mashaal was then carried to various campuses of Amity from Sector-125 to Sector-44 and Greater Noida by the students of various institutions.

The students,faculty members and staff in University Campus evinced lot of excitement and joy as the preparations commenced for the grand inauguration of Sangathan 2015.

Hoisting the Amity Flag and declaring “Sangathan 2015” open, Dr. Atul Chauhan- theChief Guest for the occasion expressed his joy and exhilaration for the overwhelming participation by Amity students in Sangathan 2015. He stressed that Sangathan was started to bind and bring Amitians together from all the Campuses. Sharing the momentous expansion of Amity, Dr. Atul Chauhan briefed that recently Amity Campus, Raipur has been inaugurated and Amity University Kolkatta started its operations from current session. He apprised that last year, Amity had announced scholarships for outstanding sportsperson which are identified during Sangathan and this year onwards, Awards and Scholarships for Innovative Amitians will be announced and declared that special Scholarships in the name of “Maj. Gen K J Singh” will be given to  the meritorious sports persons from current year onwards  .

The sight of ceremonial release of pigeons and balloons by Mr. Atul Chauhan, Ms. Pooja Chauhan- Vice Chairperson, Amity Humanity Foundation, Mr. Abhay Chauhan, Mr.Ajit Chauhan Vice-Chairman, Amity Distance & Online Education, Maj.Gen K J Singh- Group Vice Chancellor, Amity and Dr. (Mrs.) B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh was a treat to the eyes of thousands of beholders.

Dr. Atul Chauhan handed over the Sangathan Mashaal to the Sports Captains of Amity Institute of Biotechnology/Amity Institute of Anthropology/Amity Institute of Virology &Immunology who further passed it on to the Sports Captains of various Institutions and finally, Sports Captains of Amity Law School, Noida, the winners of last Sangathan lit the Sangathan flame.

The Sangathan flame was simultaneously lit up in all the Campuses of Amity in India and abroad bringing forth a perfect picture of unity in diversity.

Sharing his views, Mr. Ajit Chauhan Vice-Chairman, Amity Distance & Online Education appreciated the dedication and persistence of Amity students who are all geared up to give their best in Sangathan 2015. He stressed that dedication and persistence are two qualities which help a person to succeed in each and every walk of life.

Giving an introduction of “Sangathan 2015”, Prof. (Dr.) Kalpana Sharma, Chairperson Organising Committee – Sangathan 2015 said that Sangathan is yet another milestone inthe history of various events that Amity conducts for the overall development of its students. She briefed that Sangathan 2015 will witness 20 Sports events for the students (girls and boys) and 7 for Faculty and Staff along with few vintage games which were introduced in 2012. She called upon all Amitians to not only become passive witness but actively engage themselves in various Sports events during Sangathan 2015. She shared that the Sangathan will conclude on October 29, 2015 which is Founder’s Day and will witness the felicitation of the winners of various Sports events.

Sports Captains from various Institutions took Oath to participate in Sangathan with honesty,sportsmanship and team spirit.

The inauguration was followed by a Hockey Match (men) between the teams of Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences v/s combined teams of Amity Institute of Psychology /Amity Institute of Forensic Sciences /Amity Institute of Behavioral Heath and Allied Sciences wherein the team of Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences won by 1-0.

The students of Amity School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, clad in bright and colorful dresses, performed with much enthusiasm and élan. Their performance was appreciated by one and all and received thunderous applause from the Spectators.