
03 Dec 2015|Noida | Amity University

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences celebrates “International Day for Persons with Disability”

On International Day for Persons with Disabilities, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Science in association with Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan (charitableschool for children with special needs), Noida organized an awareness campaign“Join Hands and Support the Cause” at Amity Campus Sector 125, Noida, to break the myths, stereotypes and prejudices regarding persons with disabilities, so that they are accepted as part of society.

The aim of the campaign was to spread awareness and mobilize support for critical issues relating to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society and development. The UN theme for year 2015 is Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities.

As part of the campaign, 13 enthusiastic children with special needs from Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan went around Amity University campus carrying placards and ‘pinning’ the blue and orange Twibbon on students and faculty members at Amity University Headquarter , Amity Global Business School , Amity Institute of Behavioural Health & Allied Sciences, Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, Amity Institute of Social Sciences, Amity Institute of Education, and Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering and Management.

The group of students comprised of children with Speech Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability and Autism. The blooming buds were welcomed wholeheartedly with each person motivating their spirits and recognizing their abilities.

Welcoming the children with immense affection, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla , Amity University Uttar Pradesh said, “We, hand in hand should strive towards achieving best practices for inclusive urbanization. The zeal and potentials of Persons with disabilities must be tapped and they should be able to contribute towards society and participate on an equal basis with others. We extensively need to focus on their abilities and not on the disability of an individual”. 

Gracing the occasion, Mrs. Pallavi Chauhan, Joint Director , Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences said that  in present time, it is important to make people more sensitize towards the issue of disability. She stressed that it is necessary for every individual to encourage equality and promote inclusion for all by improving the self esteem, well being and right of differently abled people. Mrs. Chauhan apprised that under the overall guidance and mentorship of Dr. JP Singh, Chairman, Amity Foundation for Developmental Disabilities, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Dr. Jayanti Pujara, Director, AIRS, Amity will surely break barriers and open doors for children with special needs,creating an inclusive and accessible society for all.

During the campaign, the Senior Officials, Faculty Members, Students and Staff of Amity University appreciated the shining stars from Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketanfor their innovative and creative way of celebrating International Day for Persons with Disability.