
12 Dec 2014|Noida | Main Ground AUUP

4,020 Graduands conferred with Degrees and Diplomas during the second day of Amity University 10th Convocation 2014

The second day of 10thConvocation 2014 of Amity University was held at Amity Campus, Sector, 125, Noidawherein over 4,020 Graduands from Amity School of Communication, Amity Schoolof Fashion Technology, Amity Institute of Social Sciences, Amity School ofHospitality, Amity School of Languages, Amity Law School and other Institutes receivedtheir Degrees and Diplomas.

Duringthe day, over 215 meritorious Graduands werehonored with Awards. 83 graduands received Gold Medals, 79 graduands receivedSilver Medals, while, 36 were awarded Bronze Medals.

The grandeurConvocation ceremony commenced with the Procession comprising of Trustees ofthe Board, Senior Members of the Management, Head of the Institutions,Departmental Heads and Senior Faculty members, who were led by the band ofpipers.

Dr. Balvinder Shukla- ViceChancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh welcomed theaugust gathering, and presented a brief report of the University. Dr. Shuklacongratulated the graduands and wished them luck in their future endeavors.

Sharinghis views during the momentous occasion, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group addressed Amity alumni asAmity’s Amazing Achievers and stressed that Amity alumni are empowered tochange the country and the world. He remarked that Amity alumni are equippedwith rich Indian culture and ethos which would help them to achieve anything intheir lives. Dr. Chauhan, who himself believes in “Success by Compulsion”, calledupon the Alumni to have an urge to achieve something in life, forge ahead withstrong conviction, self confidence and faith in God, without getting perturbedby deterrents. He advised the students to follow the mantra of “BHAAG” where, Bstands for Behavioral Science, H stands for Hard work, A stands for Ambition, Astands for Attitude and G stands for God.  He added that a person can reach pinnacle of successby following the Bhaag Mantra.

Duringthe convocation, Ms. Shobhana Bhartia, Chairperson & Editorial Director of Hindustan Times was conferredwith Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy for her strategic vision and direction inpursuit of excellence and dedication to the humanity in general.

Acceptingthe Honorary Doctorate, Ms. ShobhnaBhartia expressed her gratitude to receive the Honorary Doctorate fromAmity University. Talking about education sector, Ms, Bhartia said that educationsector is the key foundation that will highly contribute towards India’s growthand development. She further added that Amity has played a crucial role indeveloping the potential of thousands of students from different backgrounds,region and country. She commended Amity for its exemplary credibleachievements. Ms. Bhartia mentioned that such awards not only honor the personbut raises the profile of the profession the person is engaged in. Sharing herviews on the current scenario of media, she said that a whole new generation ofmedia has evolved including blogs, twitter, independent dot coms,  Facebook through which a person cancommunicate his/her thoughts directly to the public without the intervention ofthe overheads that are present in traditional media. She apprised that theemergence of new media is truly historic and the changes that have occurred dueto it are dramatic. She also mentioned that the internet and mobile technologyput together have posed a challenge to print journalism, since; now-a-dayspeople prefer to read news through mobile, laptop or other technical devicerather than from newspapers. Ms. Bhartia shared that there are many obituarieswritten about newspapers but the ones who will adapt to new technology willstay afloat and the secret is to go beyond the print edition.

Onthe occasion, Advocate  RaianKaranjawala, Founder & Managing Partner Karanjawala & Company wasconferred with Honorary Doctorate in Law (LLD) for his untiring efforts &immense contribution towards the development and maturing of legal systemswhich has enhanced the image of India globally.

Duringhis acceptance speech, Advocate RaianKaranjawala said, “I am honored to accept the Honorary Doctorate Degreebestowed upon by Amity University.” Talking about the changes occurred in the professionof Law, Advocate Karanjawal said that he has witnessed a transformation of theprofession with the passing years; initially profession of law was aboutpractice of going to court and conducting arguments in the court but today, thepractice of law has expanded profusely and exponentially. He further added thatpresently in India, there are almost 30 different super specialties for abudding lawyer to practice in and the recompenses are increased drastically. AdvocateKaranjawal appreciated Supreme Court of India for its activist role in shapingthe profession of law. He appreciated that the students of Amity have ‘Can Do’ attitudeinculcated in them and strive to achieve success in their lives.

Dr.Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Departmentof Atomic Energy, Government of India  was conferred with Honorary Doctorate inScience for his commitment, determination and a lifelong devotion to science.

Acceptinghis Honorary Doctorate, Dr. Ratan KumarSinha expressed his gratitude for the honor conferred upon him.  He emphasized the need for improvement in researchstudies in India. He urged to fill up the gaps and lacunas in the presenteducation system. Dr Kumar asked students to always be prepared to facechallenges at every step of life. He congratulated all graduands and urged themto never forget their responsibilities towards the society and the country as awhole. He commended Amity for imbibing the culture of research and innovation inits students and faculty members.

During the convocation, Scientist RK Kotnala was conferred Honorary Professorship in Amity School of Biotechnology.

Duringthe second day of Convocation, a virtual Convocation was conducted for studentsfrom 28 Countries during which 781 students were awarded with Degrees, inaddition to individual Medals & Awards.

Duringthe third day of Convocation, a total of 3,286 successfully qualified Graduandsof several Programs will receive UG and PG Degrees, Diplomas, Trophies andMedals respectively.

Dr.R. Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India andShri. Mangu Singh, Managing Director, Delhi Metro will be conferred withHonorary Doctorate Degrees.