
24 Nov 2014-05 Dec 2014|Noida|Lucknow|Jaipur | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Faculty members from different Universities of Amity trained to kindle the spark of entrepreneurship in the students during “Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship”

Amity School of Engineering in association with National Science and Technology Development Board, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India organised two week “Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship” from November 24- December 5, 2014 at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

 The two week programme aimed at equipping faculty members with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in students and guiding and monitoring their progress towards entrepreneurial career.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group graced the valediction ceremony and motivated the faculty members. Talking about entrepreneurship, he stressed that entrepreneurship has little to do with money and much to do with attitude and way of thinking. Dr. Chauhan announced that all Universities of Amity would have “Centres for Entrepreneurship” which would facilitate the sowing of seed of entrepreneurship in the mind, body and soul of the students and would help to kindle a fire, a passion and an urge in them to become successful entrepreneurs. He named the first group of the FDP participants as “Path Breakers” and called upon them to mentor, motivate and guide their students onto the path of entrepreneurship.

During the valediction, Certificates of Participation were awarded by Dr. Ajay Rana- Director, Amity School of Engineering and Amity Technical Placement Cell and Dr. Sanjeev Bansal- Director, Amity Business School.

Over 30 faculty members from Amity Universities located in Uttar Pradesh(Noida and  Greater Noida Campus), Haryana, Gwalior and Jaipur attended the programme.

Talking about the Programme, Ms. Ginnie Arora- Faculty, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh expressed that the Programme was really informative; it apprised them about the nuances of entrepreneurship in terms of coming up with innovative ideas, writing a business plan, patenting, sources of funding and finance, importance of Market research and tools and techniques to carry out the same and various other things. She shared that the Training has made her better informed to handle entrepreneurship related queries of the students and now she could chisel and shape the brilliant ideas of her students.

Sharing his views, another faculty member- Mr. S K Jha from Amity University Uttar Pradesh quoted, “We never loose; either we win or we learn” and stressed that entrepreneurs should have such positive and winning attitude since a problem is always a disguised business opportunity. He expressed that the two week Programme has been a great learning experience for him , learnings of which he could apply as a teacher, researcher or personally for becoming an entrepreneur himself.

Dr. Praveen Kumar- another faculty participant from Amity University Haryana shared that the Training Programme has equipped him to identify the students with entrepreneurship spark and nurture them with due support and encouragement. He revealed the importance of patenting a novel and innovative idea before publishing it, which helps in retains the exclusivity attached with the idea.

During two weeks, the participants were taught various modules by subject experts from Amity as well as industry. The diverse topics included “Entrepreneurship & Economic Development”, “Charms of Becoming an Entrepreneur”, “Role of Support agencies in entrepreneurship Development – DIC”, “Role of Support agencies in Entrepreneurship Development – Banks”, “Entrepreneurship in Education, emerging trends & Role of DST in promoting Entrepreneurship”, “Curriculum Development for Promoting Entrepreneurship amongst S&T target groups”, “Business Opportunity identification and Guidance”, Market Survey: Need & Importance”, “Entrepreneurs selection: tools and techniques” and others.