
21 Nov 2014|Noida | I2 Moot Court Hall

Industry Experts share their valuable experiences during Corporate Meet 2014 at Amity University

Togive students an overview of the industry expectations and skills required tomeet the industry needs, Amity Global Business School organized its annual CorporateMeet 2014 on the theme “Goal 2014 : Connect, Inspire and Grow” at Amity campus,Sector 125, Noida. The Corporate Meet aimed to strengthen industry and academiabond as Industry Captains from different sectors deliberated upon the critical needof initiating value enhancing partnership between the industry and academia.

The event was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Yogeshwar Sharma, ExecutiveDirector & COO,Select City Walk, Select Group and Prof (Dr.) BalvinderShukla-Vice Chancellor-AUUP. The meet acted as a platform for exchange ofideas, dialogues and best practices.

The event witnessed the presenceof eminent personalities from leading organizations, enlightening theparticipants with their words of wisdom. The pool of panelists included policymakers, businessmen, academicians, think tanks, and other key civil societyplayers, such as, Ms. Manu SharmaKhandelwal,VP and Branch Sales Head, HSBC; Ms. Pallavi Trivedi, Associate VicePresident,Religare Securities Ltd.; Mr. Arvind Vyas,CEO,Viewpoint Advertising;Dr. TK Mandal,VP(HR),JK Paper Ltd.; Mr. Vipul Bansal,MD & CEO,SunHillSystems Private Limited; Mr. Akash Taneja, Joint Director General of ForeignTrade, Directorate General of Foreign Trade; Ms. Somika Mehta, ManagingPartner,Ficus-e-Logic Pvt. Ltd.; Ms. Aradhana Lal,Vice President –Sustainability Initiatives, The Lemon Tree Hotel Company; Mr. Anshul Tiwari,Founder and Editor-in-Chief of; Mr.Aamir Shafiq, BusinessHead,Harit Dhara Projects Pvt. Ltd; Mr.Anshul Sushil,Co- Founder Boring Brands;Mr. Anupam Sen,Co-Founder Traverse and Ms.Sujata Sahu,Founder, 17000 ft.

Welcoming the gathering, Prof (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla said thatit is very important to maintain a continuous relationship with the industry tomatch up the industry needs and train students according to industry standards.Sharing the mantra of success in corporate world, she added that consideringthe widespread of globalization and mounting competitive environment ‘Survivalof the Fittest’ is the apt mantra for today’s corporate world. She expressedher hope that the corporate meet will immensely benefit the participants andprovide an insight into the industry expectation from the future leaders.

Addressing the gathering duringpanel discussion, Chief Guest Mr.Yogeshwar Sharma said that goingby the fierce competition faced in today’s corporate world, theme chosen for thecorporate meet is very apt. He further added that the basic foundation ofsuccess in career depends upon good networking as it leads to sharing andsynergy of ideas that facilitates ones growth. Mr. Sharma advised the buddingleaders to have faith in themselves and only then they can surpass their goals.The students are the future managers who are going to shape the future ofIndia, hence, they should learn to exist in the competition, exploring newconnections, inspiring people around.

Sharing her mantra of success, Ms. Manu Sharma said that she firmlybelieves in three aspects, i.e. being open, being connected and beingdependable, to survive in the corporate world. She mentioned that having a goodnetwork is essential for growth and one should work on it diligently. It isnecessary to have a meticulous approach to form a connection. Ms. Sharma sharedvarious virtues to be followed for growth in career including being open andhonest to others; being trusted; doing right things; taking the personalaccountability; using your own common sense and being inclusive. She emphasizedto recognize an individual talent, giving time to nourish it and not to let itvanish with time.

Expressing his views on how to beprepared for corporate, Mr. Vipul Bansalsaid that formulating goals and reaching out to real inspiration from beginningof the career defines the foundation step towards a sound career growth. Hefurther apprised that when one moves to the corporate world, his/her individualgoals are merged with organizational goals and categorizing priorities duringthat time is imperative. Hence, understanding your line of priorities andexecuting them accordingly will help a professional growth.

During the panel discussion, Ms. Somika Mehta highlighted theincreasing penetration of technology for creating effective connections, while Dr. Aakash Taneja briefed theparticipants about India’s Foreign Trade Policy 2014, sharing the insightsabout connecting with foreign traders and growing the trade business withsuccessful strategy.

The Corporate Meet was attendedby more than 200 students, academicians and industry experts.