
21 Jul 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall


A high level delegation of 16 Officials led by Mr. GetachewMelese, Committee Chairperson, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ethiopiavisited Amity University campus, Sector 125 for discuss the possibilities ofjoint on Research, Knowledge Management and Industrial Interaction.

Thedelegates - Serkalem Ketama, EndaleShewangizaw, Shibeshi Kassa, Mustafa Abdulsemed, Desta Abera, Gosa Abera,Zebiba Abdo, Kristina Becti, N Y Tesemma, Shamil Abass Hussen, Endalew AyalewWondimagegan, Mesifen Minassie, Wondwossen Beyene, Firut Hailu and AbdissaYilma Tiky were welcomed by Dr.Ashok Chauhan, Founder-President, Amity Group, Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Saran, ViceChairman, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation, Amity Universityand the senior officials of Amity University.

Welcomingthe delegates, Dr. Ashok Chauhan highlightesthe exemplary achievement of Amity University and expressed his desire tostrengthen the cooperation with Ethiopia and other African countries in thefields of Research and Education. He said that it is a proud moment for Amity tohost delegation from Ethiopia, since India and Africa are the emerging economiccountries of the world and India is the second largest foreign investor inEthiopia under approved investment of 4.8 billion dollars. Dr. Chauhan alsomentioned about the E-Learning Programme introduced by Former President of IndiaDr. A P J Abdul Kalam to provide adequate educational facilities to AfricanCountries through e-Network, under which Amity University is the only privateuniversity to cater to over 18,000 African students as beneficiaries.

During theinteraction, the delegates asked pertinent questions about Industry AcademiaLinkage in reference to Amity University, Capacity Building – Developing HumanResource, Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Research by theresearchers of Amity University, which were efficiently responded to by Dr.Ashok Chauhan and the officials of Amity University

Thedelegation was taken around the University where they visited the AmityUniversity E-Learning Centre, Incubator, Coolbot and Zero Energy Coolbot andLaboratories. The delegates were impressed by the contemporary infrastructureand appreciated the hard-work put in by faculty members & staff, hoping fora mutually beneficial relationship between the respective institutes.