
17 Oct 2014|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

‘E2E-Education to Employment: Fostering Employability and Entrepreneurship’ Summit at Amity

Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) in association with Amity University organized a one day summit ‘E2E-Education to Employment: Fostering Employability and Entrepreneurship’ at Amity Campus,Sector- 125, Noida.

E2E –Education to Employment Summit provided a forum for interaction amongst the key stakeholders to help create a holistic approach to higher education. The stakeholders,during various sessions shared concepts, approaches, best practices and discussed ideas to im or equip them to pursue entrepreneurship.

Mr. Jayant Krishna, Co-Chair, CII NR Special task Force on Skills & Education; Dr. Saagarika Ghoshal, Director-HR, Metro Cash and Carry; Ms. Illham Punjani- Head Business Relations, Education, ACCA Global and Maj Gen K J Singh- Group Vice Chancellor, Amity inaugurated the Summit.

Sharinghis views, Mr. Jayant Krishna highlighted the widening gap between industry and academia and lamented the low employment rate of the youth in India. He said that educational institutions fuel expectations in the youth and when they are not able to secure jobs they become disgruntled and a threat to civil society. Talking about the role of industry, he shared that industry people also pay lip service; most of them don’t want to travel extra mile. He suggested that programmes in educational institutions should emanate from the industry needs and industry should also come forward to groom the youth of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. Equivalence of skills and jobs needs to be understood. Each player in the value chain has to own up its responsibility and contribute in bridging the industry-academia gap. He remarked that reforms in education and vocation education are as important as mainstream economic reforms.

Maj Gen K J Singh- Group Vice Chancellor, Amity Universitiescalled for creating a robust education system in the country which could notonly educate the youth but also enlighten them. He opined that education shouldbe entwined with the rich Indian culture, traditions and sanskaars and itshould lay stress on character building.

Addressingthe gathering, Ms. Illham Punjani- Head Business Relations, Education, ACCA Global said that India is a very young country with largest workforce. She remarked that there are very few educational institutions in India which are providing education based on competency framework of concerned sectors. She stressed that the time has come when Indian colleges should start benchmarking themselves with the best in the world and the education framework should take into consideration the skill sets required by various sectors, making education skill oriented.

Dr. Saagarika Ghoshal, during her address, stressed that 50% of India’s population is below the age of 25 and 65% of the population is below the age of35 and now it is on India to either reap the benefit of this demographic dividend or turn it into a disaster.

The inauguration was followed by plenary sessions on interesting topics such as “Enabling Macro Environment”, “Outcome based learning”, “Delivery mechanism” and “Industry Institute Network”wherein eminent speakers including Mr. A K Jha- Director General, NIESBUD, Mr.Nirmal Singh- CEO, Wheebox, Prof. K K Aggarwal- Chancellor, K R Mangalam University; Mr. Ajay Goel- Director, Skill Network, Wadhwani Foundation and others participated