
13 Oct 2014|Noida | Village Duriyai, Block Bisrakh District Gautam Budh Nagar

Amity Centre for Agricultural Extension Services (ACAES) organised a field day cum training programme for the farmers

India has the world’s largest area under rice with 42.5 million ha and is the second largest producer (103.4 million tones 2010) next only to China. It contributes21 percent of global rice production. There is a dire necessity to increase the productivity of Rice through the cultivation of the new high-yielding variety of Basmati with the help of frugal and indigenous technologies. Keeping this in mind, Amity Centre for Agricultural Extension Services (ACAES) organised a field day cum training programme at Village Duriyai, Block Bisrakh District Gautam Budh Nagar.

The Training Programme was sponsored by Directorate of Rice Research Centre (DRR), ICAR, Hyderabad Project under National Food Security Mission, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Dr. N. P. Singh- Director ACAES conducted the Training Programme and advised farmers to include Basmati Pusa-1509 in the rice- wheat cultivation cycle and reap the benefits associated with the same. He informed the farmers that the average yield of this Basmati Pusa-1509 is 20 quintals to 22 quintals per acre could fetch the farmers Rs 75thousand per acre. The new high yield high variety is being endorsed by the farmers as it is also a short duration variety and takes less time in cultivation.           

During the Programme, 25 farmers were apprised with the new Basmati Pusa -1509, newer techniques to plant and cultivate it and the benefits it could bring to their families in terms of increasing income. The farmers were asked to share their feedback about Basmati Pusa -1509 as compared to other varieties of rice.