
08 Oct 2014|Noida |

Ms. Makeba Lewis from University of the Arts, London visits Amity School of Fashion Technology & Amity School of Fine Arts

Ms. Makeba Lewis, International Academic Coordinator, InternationalCentre, University of the Arts (UAL), London visited Amity School of FashionTechnology & Amity School of FineArts to discuss on the areas of common interest and ways by which the two universities could come together and work towards mutually beneficial common goals. During her visit, shemet Dr. Pradeep Joshi, Director, ASFT, ASFA & ASPA. 

Ms. Makeba them addressed the design students of ASFT and enlightenedthem about various areas of interest like the major colleges of UAL, thevarious teaching techniques followed by them, the process of pursuing highereducation in UK etc. She then gave some important tips regarding the topic ofPortfolio Development. She was then taken around and shown the variousfacilities of ASFT & ASFA which were very much appreciated by her. Thefaculty team of ASFT was also present including Mr. Shankar Sahay,International Coordinator (ASFT), Ms. Dipti Ahuja and Ms. Swati Joshi. Ms.Makeba Lewis praised the hard-work put in by facultymembers & students, hoping for a mutually beneficial relationship betweenthe respective universities.