
12 Sep 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Dr. Ajit Singh Sikand elucidates the Students of Amity University on the Importance of Complaint Management

Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Singh Sikand, Consultant to German Central and StateGovernments on Indian issues, visited Amity University to deliver a lecture on“Economics of Complaint Management” at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida. He waswelcomed by Dr. Ajit Nagpal, Chairperson, Amity PACIFIC Forum.

During the lecture, Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Singh Sikand focused on theimportance of consumer relationship and consumer loyalty issues in order tounderstand its importance to companies. He emphasized that new product orservice development is very significant to survive in a competitive globalmarket and keeping same in mind, the companies need to communicate with itscustomers, as well help them in terms of their problems, requirements andquestions. Dr. Sikand also mentioned the names of brands, Nivea, Audi, Bacardiand Mc Donald, as examples of the companies that communicate best with itscustomers. He also explained that each company can gain significant benefitsfrom their own consumer relationship techniques.

Furthermore, Dr. Sikand said thatwhile working an employee needs to understand that it is the client who ispaying for his salary and not the company; hence, client satisfaction should bethe priority. He stressed that the customer’s complaints, suggestions andfeedbacks are wealth values that are supposed to be registered as statisticsand through that data a company can work towards the betterment of product orservice, they are offering. He also mentioned that effective complaintmanagement can steer the economy of the company.

During the lecture, students askedpertinent questions about effects on a company’s economy due to multiple complaints,quality complaint management and right way to complain as consumers which wereefficiently responded to by Dr. Ajit Singh Sikand.

The lecture was attended by thestudents, faculty and staff of Amity University.