
17 Feb 2014|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Delegation from University D’ Abomey-Calavi, Benin, West Africa visits Amity University to explore the areas of potential mutual cooperation

A high power delegation from University D’ Abomey-Calavi, Benin, West Africa visited Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida to explore the potential collaborative options between Amity University and University D’ Abomey-Calavi, Benin, West Africa.

The members of the delegation included Prof. Brice A. Sinsin, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Souaïbou Farougou, Pro Vice-Chancellor in charge of International Cooperation, Prof. Joseph Hounhouigan, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, Prof. Félicien Avlessi, Director of Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi; Dr. Albert Honlonkou, Director of the School of Applied Economics and Management and Dr. Marc ASSOGBA, Head of the Tele Education Center.

Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh- Amity Group Addl. Vice Chancellor welcomed the distinguished members of the delegation.

Addressing the faculty members of Amity University, Prof. Brice A. Sinsin, Vice-Chancellor, University D’ Abomey-Calavi, West Africa apprised them that University D’ Abomey was established in 1970 and at present, over 82, 980 students are pursuing their education in various disciplines such as Agronomy Sciences, Economic Sciences and Management, Literacy, Art and Humanities, Health Sciences, Arabic Language and Islamic Culture, Physical Education and Sport, Administration and Magistracy. He highlighted that they are grappling with the problem of growing number of students and limited resources. On behalf of his University, Prof. Sinsin expressed his desire to collaborate in the areas of Alternate Resources of Energy, Agriculture, Computer Science, Engineering and Water Purification, in addition to students exchange and Distance Learning Programmes.
Sharing his views, Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh- Amity Group Addl. Vice Chancellor stressed that various student exchange options between both the University could be worked out for the mutual benefit. He proposed the possibility of joint research and internship programmes for students in each other’s University. He pointed out that both the Universities could benefit from each other’s experience and expertise through e-Learning and Distance Learning Programmes especially short term courses. He also suggested the possibility of hosting joint Seminars, Conferences and Training Programmes.
Dr. Sanjay Srivastava- Dean, Faculty of Management Studies and Chairperson, PhD. Programmes pointed out the possibility of potential collaboration for PhD. programmes in terms of Faculty Guides and Research areas.
During the occasion, the delegation visited Amity University Online, Amity Innovation Incubator, Central Library and state of the art, well equipped Laboratories of Amity University and appreciated the infrastructure and state of the art facilities at Amity University.