
01 Oct 2014|Noida | I2 Moot Court Hall

Women call upon Police to be more Sensitive towards Women related Crimes during the ‘Be Aware’ Seminar held at Amity University

Amity University in association with NGO ‘HARSH’conducted a seminar titled “Be Aware” at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida. Themain aim of the seminar was to educate women regarding their rights, the Legaland Police system to render them help and propagating the ideology of ‘FriendlyPolice’. 

 Mrs.Aparna Yadav, Brand Ambassador of NGO HARSH and Daughter-in-Lawof Hon’ble Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav Ji; Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Noida andMrs. Alka Munjal inaugurated the seminar.

 Addressing the gathering, Mrs. Aparna Yadav said that she strongly believes in empowering andeducating women for their rights. She further added that it is important for womento be aware about the laws and the police system, so that they do not hesitatein approaching cops when required. Mrs. Yadav elaborated on the process oflodging and FIR, duties of the officer attending the victim and the rights ofthe victim while lodging FIR. She also explained the important changes in CriminalAmendment Act implemented in 2013. Emphasizing on the fear of social stigma,Mrs. Yadav added that many people don’t react to the injustice happened to theother person, fearing the stigma of society, hence, there is a need to bring achange in society and that change can only occur when we transform our state ofmind . Presently, we are living in an ICE Age, which means, Information,Communication and Entertainment; hence, a person can be physically weak but withmental strength can bring the change, she opined.

Enlighteningabout the concept of fear and its psychological impact, Mr. Neeraj Dubey from NGO Harsh said that Fear is inversely proportionalto knowledge, ie, we tend to be more fearful when we don’t have sufficientknowledge. He further added that the psychological impact of fear is stressthat affects the health. He also explained the participants in detail about theCriminal Justice Act (2013) and other groundbreaking amendments incorporated byJustice Verma Committee to the existing one. He said that now it is the moststringent which covers most of the crime against women such as stalking, cyberstalking, voyeurism, disrobing of women or intention to disrobe and so forth. Mr.Dubey advised the participants to use self defense weapons such as Stun Gun,Pepper Spray and High Decibel Alarm which are easily available in market. He alsoinformed that small things which women use daily such as keys, hair pins, pens,deodorants etc. can also be used as safety weapons. He further apprised that theinitiative is contemplated to be a ‘bridge’ between the people and the policeto avert such heinous crimes in the society by ensuring proper policedeployment in harassment/eve-teasing prone areas of a city.

During theSeminar, Mrs. Aparna Yadav had an interactive session with the participants whoasked pertinent questions about the issue of women safety everywhere, dread ofpolice in society and responsibility of government against such crimes. Mrs.Yadav efficiently responded to the question and praised the students of AmityUniversity on their awareness of important Women Leaders and Women Empowerment.

One student ofAmity raised concern about the need to educate men rather than women so thatmen become more sensible towards women and society. Further raising concern onthe inefficiency of Police, students demanded Police to be more cordial andwomen issue sensitive rather than further harassing the victim by their ‘non corporative’behavior.

The event wasattended by hundreds of female students, Senior Officials, faculty and staff ofAmity University.