
16 Sep 2014|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer Observed at Amity University

Amity University in association with National Environment Science Academy(NESA) observed “International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer” atAmity Campus, Sector 125, Noida. The day marks the commemoration of the date ofsigning of the Montreal Protocol in 1987 on substances that deplete the Ozonelayer. The UN theme for this year is ‘Ozone Layer Protection: The Mission GoesOn’.

During the occasion, Dr. Neloy Khare, Director, Scientist F,Ministry of Earth Sciences and Prof. A Arunachalam, Principal Scientist, ICARdelivered special lectures.

Sharing his views, Dr. W Selvamurthy – President, AmityScience Technology and Innovation Foundation said that depletion in ozonelayer will create innumerable problems for flora, fauna and human beings whichinclude reduction in crop yield, decrease in photosynthesis, disappearance oflarge number of species and deteriorated air quality that affects health andgrowth of flora, fauna and human beings. He further said that although, Indiahas actively worked on the guidelines of Montreal Protocol and is successfullyphasing out CFC, yet, there is lot to achieve.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Neloy Khare said that the Montreal Protocol has so farbeen successful in meeting some of its targets including phasing outozone-depleting substances. As a result, the ozone-depleting substances in theatmosphere are declining and the ozone layer is expected to revive. He furtheradded that there are few challenges which need to be addressed for completephase-out of ozone-depleting substances and also, there are some regions suchas Antarctica that are still facing the issue of ozone depletion. Outlining theeffects of Ozone layer depletion, Dr. Khare added that UVA and UVB lights thatpenetrated into the atmosphere can cause Skin Cancer, Immune Suppression, EyeProblems and other diseases.

Dr. A. Arunachalam made a brief presentation on the views of ICAR on the Forestry education inthe country.

During the occasion, severalacademicians of other schools were awarded on behalf of NESA for theircontribution in the field of Environment.

The event was attended by theStudents, Research Scholars and Academicians of Amity University.