
10 Sep 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Delegation from Indian Agriculture Research Institute Visits Amity University

As part of the MoU signed between Amity and Indian Agriculture ResearchInstitute (IARI), a delegation from Indian Agriculture Research (IARI) led byDr K Vijayaragavan, Action Director & Joint Director (Extn.), AgriculturalExtension visited Amity University to discuss the potential collaboration inthe areas of Education, Research and Technology at Amity Campus, Sector 125,Noida.

The 10 member delegation included Dr RK Jain, Dean & Joint Director (Edu)Plant Pathology; Dr Ravinder Kaur, Project Director (WTC), Water Technology; DrAK Saxena, Head, Microbiology Microbiology; Dr Pritam Kalia, Head, VegetableScience; Dr VT Gajbhiye, Head, Agricultural Chemicals; Dr SD Singh, Head,CESCRA Environmental Science; Dr AK Singh, Professor, Genetics Rice Breeding,Genetics; Dr. Charanjit Kaur and Dr. Manjaiah.

They were welcomed by Dr. W Selvamurthy, President – AmityScience Technology and Innovation Foundation; Dr. Sunil Saran, Vice President-  Amity Science Technology &Innovation Foundation; and Dr. Ajit Verma, Advisor – Amity Institute ofMicrobial Sciences.

During the occasion, Dr. Ashok Chauhan, Founder President, AmityGroup said that food and agriculture is the core of India as theycontribute towards the nation’s growth and development. He further added that thecollaboration between Amity and IARI will lead to breakthrough research in differentfields of agriculture resulting in food security and agriculture development ofour country. Dr. Chauhan also mentioned that Public Private Partnership is thedemand of the time since it generates a synergy between best brains and bestinfrastructure.

Highlighting the achievements of IAIR,Dr. W Selvamurthy said that IAIR hascontributed significantly in the nation building with the project of GreenRevolution. Dr. Selvamurthy further added that agricultural research is veryimportant for the development of any nation and Amity has always given focus toscientific research activities in agriculture and growth of farmers. He sharedthat Amity has strong focus on Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Post HarvestTechnology & Cold Chain Management, Organic Agriculture etc. He expressedhis hope in building a long lasting association between IARI and AmityUniversity.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. K Vijayaragavan said that IARI hasgiven agricultural leaders to the globe. It has pioneered rural development andextension of new agricultural technologies to the farmers. He further addedthat IARI is working towards achieving the second Green Revolution and thecollaboration with Amity will contribute extensively in this project.

During the visit, variouscollaboration points in the areas of developing sensors for detection of pesticidesresidue, Nanotechnology in Agriculture; Productive Cultivation; Climate changeand its impact; Heavy Metal Contamination; exchange of post harvest technologyand PhD programmes for faculty and Researchers of IARI in Amity University werediscussed and deliberated upon.

Senior Officials, faculty andresearchers of Amity University were present during the session.