
19 Dec 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Leading Artist Prof. Manuel Rocha - Mexico visits Amity School of Fine Arts

Amity School of Fine Arts invited internationally well known artist Mr. Manuel Rocha Iturbide of Mexico for presentation of his works and his research paper on sound art. He was accompanied by Ms. Julia (from Mexico), presently working as a curator at The Vadhera Art Gallery, Delhi, Ms. Vidya Shivadas,  Curator, Vadhera Art Gallery & Director FICA  & Mr. Babu Eshwar Prasad,  Artist

Director ASFA/ASFT/ASPA Prof (Dr.) Pradeep Joshi welcomed the guest with saplings.


Mr. Manuel Rocha Iturbide is a Mexican sound artist and composer (b. 1963). Mr. Rocha Iturbide has developed multiple aesthetic investigations on sound art and electro-acoustic music and has published books on and sound art and sound anthologies.He is also a professor in the National School of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (ENA - UNAM).He is at present part of the National System of Creators, dedicated to creating not only electro-acoustic works and sound art, but also instrumental acoustic music and improvisation.