
11 Oct 2011|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

H. E Khaled El Bakly- Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to India visits Amity University

H. E Khaled El Bakly- Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to India visited Amity University, Sector- 125, Noida to familiarize himself with the academic set up of the University and innovative programs and contemporary facilities offered by the University.

The Ambassador was welcomed by Mr. M J Rehman- Sr. Vice President, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation(RBEF)

Sharing his views with the gathering, H. E Khaled El Bakly- Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt said that like India, Egypt is also young country and is exploring various collaborative initiatives that can be worked out between the higher educational institutions of India and Egypt. Being impressed with the intellectual capital, teaching pedagogy and latest facilities and infrastructure of Amity, His Excellency also expressed his desire to sign an MoU with Amity University in the identified areas of mutual interest

Welcoming the association with Egypt, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group extended his gratitude to His Excellency for mulling over an MoU with Amity University and assured that the collaboration would be rewarding for both the countries. Talking about the alliance, he said that the MoU would facilitate both the countries to utilize and manage the available resources optimally and efficiently in the areas of mutual interests. Dr. Chauhan expressed his desire and willingness to extent support to the academic association with Egypt and its educational institutions.

H. E Khaled El Bakly- Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt was taken around the campus and were shown various academic blocks, laboratories, Amity Incubation Centre and other departments and institutions of mutual interest.