
03 Feb 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Eleven US Universities visit Amity University to discuss potential areas of collaboration

A high powered delegation comprising of 15 members from 11 US Universities and Institutions visited Amity University to mull over the potential areas of collaboration. These representatives are on a visit to India, organized under International Academic Partnership Program.

The delegation from the prestigious Universities and Institutes of US included Northern Ilinois University, Rutgers University, School of Arts & Sciences - Rutgers University, Thomas College, Queens College, Suffolk University, University of Oregon, Rollins College, George Mason University, University of Kentuky, Fort Hays State University, University of Montana.

The delegation was received by Dr. Gurinder Singh- Director General, Amity International Business School and Pro VC (I) Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Maj. Gen R.K. Dhawan, Director, International Affairs Department, AUUP, Amb. R.M. Aggarwal, Addl DG, ACICA.

Welcoming the delegates, Maj. Gen K.J Singh, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh said that it’s a proud moment for Amity to host a galaxy of global education leaders from PAN US. Sharing his views on the rapidly changing global economy, Maj. Gen Singh said that with globalization and receding geographical boundaries, business is no longer limited to one country, as a result of which it has become very important for professionals to be globally competent. “Tie-ups between various educational institutions across the globe help in fostering cross- cultural sensitivity in the future professionals, which is the need of the hour, “remarked Maj. Gen Singh.

Sharing his views, Mr. Peter Baker- International Program Development Officer, The University of Montana said that they offer courses in forestry, natural resources, protected land management, pharmacy, law and want to explore and value the unique opportunities of collaboration available in India. Mr. Baker averred that his University looks forward to the long term sustainable and fruitful association with Amity especially in the areas of student recruitment, faculty and student exchange programs and develop educational collaborative initiatives.

Highlighting the frequent use of Hindi in US Universities, many representatives of the Universities were eager to have collaboration in the area of Hindi language teaching in US to be conducted by Indian Universities.

Dr. Gurinder Singh Director General, Amity International Business School and Pro VC (I) Amity University, Uttar Pradesh said that India and US is making best efforts to promote partnerships between institutions of higher learning of both countries by developing synergy between their researchers, scholars, technocrats and academicians. Highlighting the potential areas of collaboration, Dr. Singh said that in order to develop a sustainable relationship with US Universities areas such as faculty exchange, student exchange, credit transfers, joint research, joint Phd’s, bidding for joint consortium, applying for joint patents, joint conferences, could be considered for collaboration. Dr. Singh also proposed the idea of opening of Amity –US 11 Universities Knowledge Grid under which the identified Directors and Head of the Institutions will work to strengthen the mutual cooperation and association with 11 US Universities in diverse areas which the delegation mooted the proposal.

Ms. Namrata Jha, Director - Institute of International Education India, facilitating the visit of US Universities, remarked “Amity has successfully implemented several educational models and US Universities would like to understand them and explore the possibilities of collaboration.”

Ms. Anne Schiller, Vice President Global and International Strategies – George Mason University said that Innovation is our tradition and as Amity is highly focused on innovation and research activities, a joint collaboration can be sought in the area of research, patent filing etc. Ms. Schiller expressed her delight in visiting Amity University which is catapulting the education scenario of India.

Identifying and expressing the potential areas of collaboration with Amity University, Ms. Keiko Tanaka, Director – Asia Centre, University of Kentuky said that University is looking for collaboration in the areas of Natural Sciences, Agro Biology, and Bio-technology and would be glad to work with Amity University in the area of student & faculty exchange in research, community engagement, international outreach and global health programs.

The eminent members that formed the part of the delegation included Mr. Bradley Ginn Bond – Dean of Graduate School and Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies, Northern Illinois University, Mr. Thomas Edwards- Provost, Thomas College, Mr. Deborah Pierce- Associate Provost, Northern Illinois University, Ms. Helen Gaudette- Director of Office of Global Education Initiatives, Queens College, CUNY, Mr. John Hamel- Assistant Vice President, Suffolk University, Ms. Kathleen Poole- Director of Special Projects, Office of International Affairs, University of Oregon, Mr. Ilan Alon- Director of India and China Centers, Rollins College, Ms. Anne Schiller-VP Global and International Strategies, George Mason University, Ms. Keiko Tanaka- Associate Professor-Sociology, Director-Asia Center, University of Kentucky, Mr. Timothy Crowley- Dean of the Graduate School & Assistant Provost for Internationalization, Fort Hays State University, Mr. Peter Baker- International Program Development Officer, The University of Montana, Dr. P.J. Lavakare, IAPP India Advisor, Ms. Namrata Jha-Director, Institute of International Education India.