
18 Nov 2011|Noida | India International Centre, New Delhi

In present time Water is important for peace and mutual understanding between countries - says Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Educationist & Founder – Amity Group of Institutes at three day conference on River Waters

Water is important for survival of species in our planet earth. Water which was abundant not far before is now becoming a scarce commodity. It is a shared resource and belongs to humanity as a whole but due to rapid industrialization, global warming, deforestation the water is bringing gap between people, community and countries. To discuss the water management between countries which specific purview on Asia, Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives inaugurated three day conference titled: River Waters – Perspective and Challenges for Asia at India International Centre, New Delhi.

Chief Guest on the occasion, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Educationist, philanthropist and Founder President of Amity Group of Institutes in his address said that in today’s time water is such an important topic for peace and mutual understanding between Indian and neighboring countries. Amity has always regarded water as important and had started many initiatives in this regard. Dr. Chauhan said that if third world war happens, it will due to water issues. Water scarcity is steadily increasing all over the world. To avoid conflicts it is imperative to initiate processes of putting in place modalities and mechanism for tans-boundary governance of water resources. It is duty of all the citizens to come forward and fight the challenges and issues related to water. Dr. Chauhan said that by adopting small things in life we can make a culture of saving water like using bucket instead of shower for bath, closing tap while brushing teeth.

Justice J.S. Verma, Patron, Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives and Former Chief Justice of India said that 21st century is the century of knowledge and due to advancement in technology we have achieved such a progress in every sphere of life. But in return we have imbalanced the equilibrium of nature. Water is a necessity and the whole planet depends on it. Even in constitution of India there is specific provision on interstate water or river dispute. It has been realized longtime back that this issue is so important and sensitive.

Ms. Isbel Hilton, Editor – China Dialogue said that this century belongs to Asia and water is the most challenging issue if this century. It is basic necessity of life and every one knows the challenges and problems related to water. Population growth, melting of glacier, aerosol affect, industrial development, hydro power rivalry threatens the life of people. By year 2050, South Asia will need 57% more water than of present time, East Asia will need 70% more for agriculture needs. Ms. Hilton said that recent floods in Pakistan were due to disturbance in nature balance. If we fail to rise on these challenges then it will make great difficulty for the generations to come.