
02 Nov 2011|Noida | Lodhi Road

It is time to bring awareness about environmental technology to live in better World – says Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Educationist & Founder – Amity Group of Institutes”

World is facing acute shortage of conventional fuels and the focus now is aimed at energy security concerns. Due to escalating energy cost, opting and using energy efficient resources has become call of the day. Very soon we will be left with limited resources and we have to search for other planets for resources. This was widely discussed during a seminar on issues on energy and environmental technologies organized by The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) titled “Environmental Technologies: The Future of India” on its 58th Foundation Day.

Chief Guest on the occasion, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Educationist, philanthropist and Founder President of Amity Group of Institutes in his address said, the energy conservation is of great concern for today and it is time to bring awareness about environmental technology to live in better World. Each one of us has to contribute in energy conservation and promotion of environmental technologies. Dr. Chauhan opined that rural development and green technologies are interdependent, If we can enrich the rural people with latest technologies and infrastructure than population migration can be reduced which in turn will result in less pressure in urban cities.

Dr. Chauhan said that apart from optimal utilization of present resources, we have to seek for alternative energy resources like solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy etc. In India we have 200 clear sunny days, we can utilize it in form of Solar energy. From last few years, due to government initiatives, use of solar energy has increased but lot many steps has to be taken to meet the demand and supply point. Dr. Chauhan said that we should design and construct green buildings for energy efficiency. Expressing his concern on global warming, Dr. Chauhan said that according to a data from year 1970 there is an annual increase of 1.7oC temperature. Dr. Chauhan said that Indians believe in re-birth therefore, we should leave this world as a better place to live for our future generation. Dr. Chauhan further announced the launch of two programmes in collaboration with IETE for Amity students as part of green initiative. Dr. Chauhan announced that Professional Activity Centre (PAC) will be set up in Amity University in association with Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers. IETE Students Forum (ISF) will also be established in the University Campus.

Delivering the welcome address, Dr. R.K. Gupta, President, IETE said that this year we have aptly adopted the theme related to environmental technologies. Dr. Gupta said that due to emission from telecom towers, vehicles and thermal power plants etc., air pollution is increasing, especially in urban areas. Besides air pollution, soil erosion, deforestation, industrialization and urbanization are the main contributory factors in deterioration of the environment. Radiations from mobile phones pose serious health risks, including loss of memory, lack of concentration and sleep disturbance. Dr. Gupta said that environmental pollution is emerging as one of the most serious threats being faced by people not only in India but everywhere in the world. In order to preserve our environment, we must look for the environmental or green technology.

Dr. Alok Adholeya, Director, Biotechnology and Bioresources Division, TERI said that the developmental activities in the form of building roads, bridges, dams, houses, industrial estates etc. has adverse affect on environment. Chemical intensive agriculture has aggravated the problem. Dr. Adholeya said that Ganga action plan for clean Ganga is not successful due to tannery industries present near banks. Around 70% of electricity is generated using coal which left the residue of Fly Ash. Around 35,000 hectares of good land is under fly ash cover.

Mr. M.B. Nirmal, Founder, Exnora International made a livid presentation on green house even in flat. Citing his own example where almost 10,000 plants are grown in an apartment. He took the audience spell bound with the magnamity of greenery in the house and said “A waste is not a waste till it is wasted.”

Senior members from Amity Group, engineers, researchers, students were present during the occasion.