
20 Sep 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Mr. K.K. Verma, Director, Programs, Childreach International delivers lecture at Amity University

A Guest Lecture on “Individual Social Responsibility” was held on 20 September, 2011 for AIPS and AIBHAS students at C Block Auditorium. The lecture was delivered by Mr. K.K. Verma, Director, Programs, Child reach International, India. Childreach. International is an organization focusing on health, education and child rights and protection. The motto of the organization is to Unlock a child potential. The mission of the organization is to improve children access to health and education, and to restore child rights, empowering resilient children to make positive change through community based solutions. To establish a global movement of child rights supporters. To influence opinion by engaging key players within the third sector, national governments and the general public. The activities undertaken by them are School Projects, Community projects and Challenging events undertaken by students.

Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh, Director, AIPS & Acting Head, AIBHAS welcomed Mr. K.K. Verma with a sapling. She highlighted the importance of an Individual in taking up the responsibility for dealing with various Social Issues. She stressed on the point that it is important for an individual to think beyond and come forward and take initiatives.

Mr. K.K. Verma during his lecture on Individual Social responsibility highlighted that India is the largest democracy on Earth. He spoke about it also being diverse in nature by having a large number of people who are going hungry to having a majority of people in the list of the richest people in the world. He emphasized that India as a country also has the oldest tradition of ‘giving’ and charity comes natural to people. So, NGO’s and institutions have been there to help in people and bring about change. The recent trend in the same has been the entry of international organizations to participate in the effort. He said that it’s true that Government is overall responsible for national development. But development as a phenomenon touches every life. All are equal stakeholders. So, need of the hour is “Individual Social Responsibility”. It refers to an individual taking on the responsibility to bring about changes and reforms in the country. The same can be initiated from very small steps such as feeding poor children, helping a blind man cross the road to cleaning up garbage in the neighboring area. The endeavour should be to make our world a better place to live in. Further, he spoke about how Child reach International is a live example of individuals and individualistic strive converging to a single GOAL of Social Responsibility. He also said that students from the University can participate in the same by volunteering or interning at the Organization.

The lecture culminated with giving away of Certificate of Participation to students of AIPS who participated in the “Conclave- Education for ALL” organised by Child Reach International, India. Further, Mr. K.K. Verma, felicitated Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh with a Certificate of Appreciation for the commendable work being undertaken at AIPS. He also appreciated the efforts that have further paved way to an understanding amongst students for the welfare of the Society and nation at large. Also, Prof.(Dr.) Abha Singh, thanked and expressed gratitude by presenting him with a token of appreciation.