
17 Aug 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

"Wisdom does not come with age or experience”, stresses Dr. D.S. Rathore, a renowned scientist and academician during his lecture at Amity

Dr. D.S. Rathore, a renowned scientist and academician visited Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida and delivered an interactive and engrossing lecture on “Wisdom for Happy Life”.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group welcomed the distinguished speaker and emphasized the importance of wisdom in the lives of human beings and how the application of wisdom can change ones life.

Dr. Rathore elaborately and lucidly explained the numerous valuable tips which can help every human being to lead a life abounding with eternal joy and happiness. He stressed that wisdom is an important element of life as its application can lead to one of the most important objectives of human life – happiness. Happiness is much desired by individuals. However, not all are able to achieve it. The differentiating factor is wisdom. Those who practice it are happy and successful people and those who do not have enough wisdom are destined to suffer from failure and misery in life. Citing an interesting example, Dr. Rathore said that we all know that morning walk is good for health, which is Knowledge but how many of us actually go for morning walk or how many of us change this knowledge into wisdom. Knowledge can be instilled in schools and homes but surely not wisdom. Dr. Rathore very aptly defined wisdom as the “process of accomplishing good goals by fair means with the use of knowledge”.

Dr. Rathore busted the myth that wisdom comes with age or experience and averred that there are three important things to learn wisdom- Self Management ie managing senses in such a way that they function properly, Refrain from impulsive Behavior and Refrain from Bad Habits.

Dr. Rathore lamented the fact that most of the people do not understand the importance of wisdom in bringing about a happy life, as they are fatalists and believe in fate and destiny. Outlining the benefits of wisdom, Dr. Rathore said that wisdom assures Success, Happy Relations, Recognition and Betterment of Society. He further expressed that different kinds of wisdom are required at different stages of life- a child requires the wisdom of being self reliant, a youth requires the wisdom of life skils, an adult requires the wisdom of realizing his/her dreams, wisdom of financial management and healthy life style and an old person requires the wisdom to accept the changes and wisdom of financial and health management.

Talking about the myriad ways to achieve wisdom, Dr. Rathore, further, emphasized that self-management, living happily, laughing heartily, acquisition of knowledge and learning leadership and managerial skils are ways of learning wisdom. When all individuals are sensitized to adopt wisdom in their daily activities, the world will become a better place to live. Wisdom is the panacea to all the problems in life. Dr. Rathore called upon the people to aspire for true or authentic happiness that does not depend on any reason like toddlers and motivated them to cultivate the habit of being happy.

The lecture was attended by Scientists, Researchers, Directors, Head of the Institutions and Departments, Senior Faculty members who, after the lecture, posed a volley of questions to the distinguished speaker and cleared their doubts and misconceptions regarding knowledge and Wisdom.

Dr. Rathore has authored a book “ Wisdom for Happy Life” where he has made an attempt to answer the following trivial yet complex and important issues of life based on his personal experiences, reflection and observations from real life :-

(1) What is wisdom?
(2) How to learn wisdom?
(3) How to practice wisdom?
(4) How to use wisdom successfully and
(5) Why there is apathy towards wisdom?

The book talks about application of wisdom at different stages in life, need for scientific temperament and a blue print laid down for achieving success and happiness. Various methods of overcoming stress have also been suggested.