
18 Apr 2011-22 Apr 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Specially designed Workshop on Stress Management for Police Personnel being conducted by Amity University

Amity Institute of Education and Training for Central Police Organization in association with Bureau of Police Research & Development is organizing a five day workshop titled “Stress Management: Prevention and Cure through Psychological Intervention” from April 18 – 22, 2011 at Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida. The entire designing of syllabus, execution of the program and lectures are being conducted by the faculty of Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences.

Stress is any demand or change that the human system (Mind, body, spirit) is required to meet and respond. Stress is therefore part of normal life. Stress can affect human system by following ways:
The body – Sleep disturbances, heart diseases, digestion problems
The mind – Low performance, poor concentration, etc.
The behaviour – Use of alcohol, avoidance of situations, etc.
The emotions – Anger, depression

- Lifestyle and stress related diseases are related
- 70 – 80% of all diseases and illness are stress related
- Rapid social changes increases the number of stressors
- An optimum level of stress is necessary
- Stress can be due to both pleasant and unpleasant events

Coping mechanisms:
- Adaptive mechanisms: That offer positive help
- Behavioral mechanisms: That change what we do
- Cognitive mechanisms: That change what we think
- Activities that can help make work life balance.

Techniques of Stress Management:
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Exercise
- Laughter
- Rational thinking

13 participants including one from BSF, two from CISF, one from NSG, two from Haryana Police, two from Rajasthan Police, three from Himachal Pradesh, one from NPA Hyderabad and one from CRPF-Delhi are participating in five day workshop.

Areas targeted under the workshop are: - Nature of Stress
- Importance of Stress
- Effects of Stress
- Types of Stressors
- Understanding Anxiety and Depression at Work Place
- Handling Anxiety and Depression
- Managing Job Stress
- Burnout
- Family Stress
- Managing Family Stress
- Work Life Balance
- Developing Work Life Balance
- Coping Strategies
- Role of Self Acceptance in Coping
- Developing a Rational Belief
- Time Management
- Managing Stress Through Spirituality
- Anger Management and Relaxation Techniques