
22 Mar 2011|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Alcatel Lucent University Conducts a Technical Presentation on NRS–1 Program at AITTM.

Alcatel Lucent University (a global learning & accreditation arm of Alcatel Lucent) conducted a Technical Presentation on “Network Routing Specialist (NRS-1) Program (an industry leading certification, recognized world wide) at Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management for B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication) students on 22nd March, 2011.

Col.O.P. Aurora, Director – Telecom & IIC welcomed Ms.Rashmi, Program Manager (Alcatel Lucent University) & Mr.Karthikeyan Palani, Dy.Manager, Technical Trainings from Alcatel Lucent with his speech and Ms.Gopa Das Gupta, Sr. Manager IIC introduced the delegates from Alcatel Lucent University and gave a brief about global learning & accreditation arm of Alcatel Lucent.

Ms.Rashmi, Program Manager, Alcatel Lucent, said that NRS-1 program is the first step in a hierarchy of four certifications in Alcatel Lucent’s Service Routing Program. She further stated that the 4 day program (with intensive lab exercises) provides strong hands on experience on IP and carrier Ethernet technologies - for deployment in consumer triple play and enterprise managed communication services.

Mr.Karthikeyan Palani, Deputy Manager, Alcatel Lucent University, explained in detail about this program and its technical aspects stating that NRS I certification is the starting point for the Alcatel-Lucent Service Routing Certification (SRC) Program and is designed to equip IP professionals with a solid knowledge of IP and Ethernet technologies. The NRS I certification also establishes a strong foundation for the Network Routing Specialist II, Triple Play Routing Professional and Service Routing Architect certifications from the SRC program.

The team from Alcatel Lucent University concluded this program by addressing the technical queries of the students highlighting that 3G has been rolled out in India & there is a surge in demand of Telecom Engineers.