
26 Jul 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management conducts Orientation Programme for B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication) students

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management conducted an Orientation Program for B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication) students on 26th July, 2011. As a part of Orientation programme for the new entrants, a guest lecture session was organized by industry experts on “Industry Expectations from young Professionals”.

Four Senior Professionals from Industry were invited to present their views on above mentioned topic. The session started by welcoming the panelists followed by a speech by Mr. Sekhar Sahay (Director HR Global Services) – Ericsson. He started his session with a brief introduction about the relationship which Amity and Ericsson share and told the audience about Excel Program which Ericsson conducts every year at AITTM. He also mentioned about Distance Learning Management Program at Amity University where Ericsson employees participate. Mr.Sahay further addressed the current generation as Generation Y wherein the Technology has really advanced. He concluded his session by saying that Industrys expectation from young professionals is the same what an individual should be expecting from himself.

Mr. Sanjay Diwan (Vice President – Marketing) – IMI Mobile emphasized on continuing with the value system where one should take initiative and have a winning attitude towards achieving the objectives laid down by each of us.

Mr. Ajeet Chauhan (Group President – Human Resources) – Spice Global started his session with his statement that “Industry is New Old” and that the “Young Generation is new. He said that all of us have something to learn from the young generation. He further added that Industry expects this generation to take things to the next level. One should have a practical approach and understanding to be able to come out with solutions. Mr.Chauhan concluded his session with 6 important points which the current generation needs to understand:

1. Understanding of aggression and caution.
2. One must have good social and professional networking.
3. To work as a team, one should be a good team player.
4. A good balance between thinking and doing needs to be there.
5. To sell well, one needs to know the USP’s well.
6. Every one of us needs to capitalize on our strengths.

Mr. Ramesh Koduru (Head – Change and Release Management) – Orange Business Services, said that Telecom Industry is the most innovative Industry and requires continuous updation of skils and knowledge. He further added that the current generation has a unique way of learning new things. He concluded his speech by saying that “Genaration Y” i.e. the current generation must have the right attitude, skils and understanding in order to adapt themselves to the Corporate Environment and perform well.

Event was concluded by Question Answer round wherein the panelists gave their expert views on the queries put up by the students, followed by presentation of mementos to the Industry guests by Lt. Gen. P.D. Bhargava – Director General, Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management.