
19 Jul 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management conducts Orientation Programme for MBA - Telecommunication Management students

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management conducted an Orientation Program for MBA - Telecommunication Management students on 19th July, 2011. As a part of Orientation programme for the new entrants, a guest lecture session was organized by industry experts on “Industry Expectations from young Professionals”.

Four Senior Professionals from Industry were invited to present their views on above mentioned topic. The session started by a welcoming the panelists followed by a highly knowledgeable speech by Mr. Manoj Shrivastava (Director IT & Head Integrated Technologies) – MTS India. He emphasized on the current scenario in the industry and what is expected out of the young professionals. Mr.Shrivastava further added that an executive, in order to grow and achieve his goal must fully devote his time for the company rather than thinking of himself. He concluded his session by saying that every company requires down to earth professionals who are willing to work.

Mr. Vikrant Bhatnagar (Head – Talent Management & Development) – Bharti Airtel educated the audience on “Old Age Paradigms” of the industry, The context of today’s Organization and the skils required to be successful professionals. Mr.Bhatnagar mentioned regarding the various skils and competencies wherein one needs to have an expertise in order to grow.

Ms. Vandana Madhusudan (Head – Talent Management) – Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited started her session with an interesting power point presentation from “Mahabharata” followed by other important Management facts such as Monsters of unfamiliarity, Change Management, openness of mind and Group Dynamics.

Ms. Washima Jain (Manager Marketing) – Etisalat, gave a very motivating speech. She emphasized on the fact that “one must be a good team player”, must understand his job well and must be a good communicator. She concluded her session by saying that one needs to be sincere towards his/her duties and must be target oriented.

Event was concluded by presentation of momentos by Lt. Gen. P.D. Bhargava – Director General , Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management.