
13 Mar 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Prof. C.S.R Murthy, Jawaharlal Nehru University delivers lecture on the topic “International Organizations and International Law” at Amity Law School Noida

Prof. C.S.R Murthy, Jawaharlal Nehru University delivered lecture on the topic “International Organizations and International Law” at Amity Law School Noida. While addressing the gathering Prof. Murthy said that globalization is a reality in which we all are living. It lead to the transformation of degree of interdependence in its context, content and consequences. Globalization has its impact in every sphere of policy making, every branch of knowledge. There is no human activity which has not been affected by globalization. Prof. Murthy added that impact of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) has brought the impact on globalization in our drawing rooms. The Kargil war or tragedy of World Trade Towers was televised in all of us drawing room including of policy makers. Academically also it has introduced new branch of global studies called as International Relations which complemented social sciences and physical sciences etc.

While talking about inter relationship between International Relations with International Organizations and International Laws, Prof. Murthy stated that International Law is older field than International Organizations but both of them are complimentary to each other. International Organizations and International Laws sets policy and agenda for international politics. Prof. Murthy said that there are three components to International Organizations and International Laws – Consent, Compliance and Co-operation and three functions – Making Rules, Application of Rules and Adjudication of Rules. Prof. Murthy said that main challenge to International Organizations and International Laws is challenge of democratization. Both have become predominantly property of stage actors. Non Stage actors like civil society are pushing hard to raise their voices. International Organization has challenge to listen these unpresented voices of Non-stage actors.

Maj. Gen. Nilendra Kumar, Director – Amity Law School Noida thanked Prof. C.S.R Murthy for his timely and important lecture International Organizations and International Law. The event turned out to be a great platform for sharing knowledge to the young budding lawyers of Amity University