
10 Dec 2012-11 Dec 2012|Noida | Amity Campus, Saket, New Delhi

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi organises Faculty Development Programme On the theme "Transforming Teacher Education: Crafting Directions for Change"

Amity Institute ofEducation, New Delhi organised a two day Faculty DevelopmentProgramme (FDP) on the theme "Transforming Teacher Education:Crafting Directions for Change" on 10th and11th December 2012 at its institute premises under thevisionary guidance of Founder President  Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan.

Theparticipants of this FDP were the Teacher educators from all teacher traininginstitutes affiliated to GGSIP University and the teacher training departmentsof various universities of the NCR like  Amity University, AUUP, GGSIPU, NewDelhi, CCS University, Meerut, M.D University, Rohtak, DelhiUniversity, Maulana Azad National University, Bhopal.


Prof. B.BDhar, Senior Vice President, RBEF and Director, Research and InnovationCoordination , Amity University Uttar Pradesh and some senior members from AmityUniversity,NOIDA were present during the inaugural session.


 Prof. M.C. Sharma, Professor, School of Education,IGNOU, presented the inaugural address for the FDP. He stressed upon theinculcation of values in our teachers so that they can transmit the same totheir students.


Prof. Saroj Sharma,Dean, School of Education, GGSIP University gavethe key note address for the FDP and highlighted the significance of the themeand its components which were as follows:

- Learning and InnovationSkills

- Academic andProfessional growth 

-  Knowledge, Information,Media and Technology Literacy Skills

- Life Skills-Teamwork and Collaboration 

- Community Engagement

- Citizenship Skills-Values, Ethics and Professionalism     

Each day had threesessions on different sub themes

On first day Firsttechnical session was on the sub theme  “Learningand Innovation skills” and the resource person for this session was Dr. YSreekant, Assitant Professor, NUEPA. Second Technical session was on “Academicand Professional Growth” and was taken by Prof. Pranati Panda, Professor, NUEPA,Third Technical session was on “Community Engagement” and was takenby Dr. Satinder, Director, Amity Institute of Social Sciences, AUUP.


On second day Firsttechnical session was on “Citizenship Skills- Values, Ethics andProfessionalism and was taken by Mr. Devashis Mukerjee, Rama KrishnaMission, New Delhi, Second Technical session was on “Life Skills-Teamworkand Collaboration” and the resource person for this session was taken by Prof.Taranjeet Duggal, Professor, Amity Business School, AUUP, Third Technicalsession on “Knowledge, Information and Technology Literacy Skills” wastaken by Dr. Teena Bagga, Asst. Prof., Amity Business School, AUUP


Prof. A.K.Sharma, Formerly Director, NCERT,presented the valedictory address for the FDP on 11th Dec 2012 and elaboratedon the directions for crafting the changes in teacher education.  He enlightened the participants about theisolations of teacher education and how each is to be addressed for the qualityenhancement of teacher educators, teachers and the teacher education system onthe whole.


All the participantswere awarded certificate of participation by Prof. A.K.Sharma.