
01 Nov 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Law School, Centre-II organises National Seminar on "Human Rights and Human Dignity : Challenge to State"

As a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. The life and dignity of every person must be respected and protected at every stage and in every condition. The right to life is the first and most fundamental principle of human rights. To familiarize students with the priority plan including ongoing education, policy, and advocacy efforts to mobilize the community on issues of life, justice, and peace Amity Law School, Centre-II in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) organized one day National Seminar on " Human Rights and Human Dignity : Challenge to State" at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.


The aim of this Seminar was to sensitize students and faculty members  about the Human Rights issues revolving around various segments of the society including “Human Rights and Problems of Refugees and Dalit”, “Human Rights and the Question of Human Dignity”, “State, Women and Human Rights Issues” and “Right to Development vis a vis Human Rights”.

Welcoming the august gathering Prof. Mamta Srivastava, Additional Director, Amity Law School, Centre-II said that the aim of this seminar is to discuss various issues relating to human rights to strengthen the functioning of the National Human Rights Commission. The conference also aims to debate the issue of human dignity and to identify, from the perspectives of different disciplines, what further research is needed.

Sharing his views Justice K.C.Sood, Retd., Judge Himachal Pradesh High Court said that every human being has certain rights, these rights are those which we call human rights. Moreover, It is said that all human rights are the stem of human dignity. Human Dignity is a notion of central moral, legal, political and philosophical importance remarked Justice Sood. Spread of literacy among various sections of society and creating an awareness to safeguard the right of every human through publications, media, seminars and other available means can help a the society to be more strong added Justice Sood.

Justice Deepak Verma, Retd. Judge Supreme Court of India expressed his immense pleasure to be a part of this National Seminar on Human Rights and Human Dignity and said that professional courses in the sector of Law and Order have also made a great change in the society. Students who study law are the future of law industry and will be connected with the judicial systems and therefore would be able to build and implement better human rights in the respective context. He said Life means to Live, Inspire, Faith, Elegance and thus it’s a never ending task. Dignity is a one’s own sense of worth, one defines dignity by himself as per the respective situations. Legislature has defined rights but all legal rights are human rights whereas all human rights are not legal rights.

Expressing his gratitude to the august gathering Mr. Vikram Sahgal, DIG, CRPF said that there should be no different rights for Dalits as they are just like others. Everyone is born under different climate, society, background and religion but just because of these differences discrimination shouldn’t take place. Nowadays the law and order has become more powerful than the old era. Now, we have right to information, active media and other modes to fight for our rights. If we want to progress as a Nation, there is a need to bring everybody along with equality remarked Mr. Sahgal. A responsible citizen should ensure that we shouldn’t exploit and take anyone’s liberty and just like others, Dalits should have right to educate and grow.

The other eminent panelists for various sessions of the Seminar included Dr. Gokulesh Sharma, Law Secretary, UP Government, Mr. Wasim Qadari, Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court, Mr. Jitendra Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Address by Hon'ble Justice Jagdish Gupta, Retd. Judge Allahabad High Court, Dr. A.P.Singh, Associate Professor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dr. K.S Subramanian, IPS (Retd.) ICSSR Senior Fellow, Council for Social Development and Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.G. Balakrishnan- Chairperson.