
05 Feb 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noda

Mr. J.K Teotia, Director-Finance, Ministry of Defense delivers lecture at Amity Law School Centre-II

As a part of Human Values Quarter, ALS, Centre –II organized a Guest Lecture on 5th Feb, 2013 at I-2 Block, Moot Court Hall on the topic:” FORENSIC AUDITING TECHNIQUES USED IN DETECTING CORPORATE FRAUDS by Mr. J.K Teotia, Director-Finance, and Ministry of Defense. Mr Teotia has investigated some famous cases like Satyam Computers, Reeboks, BPTP and Triveni Infrastructure, Faridabad. He talked about corporate and company affairs, how to file complaints against various types of frauds. He also discussed about the political and procedural complexities that they faced in investigation of various cases. He also mentioned the role of SFIO (Serious Fraud Investigation Office) and the problems of management. 

The other speaker for the day was Ms Kusum Sharma, Advocate, Delhi High Court, she shared her views, importance and procedures of PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION. She mentioned the power of police in PIL by a separate provision provided under CRPC. She also discussed the problems of Locus Standi  and how the court overcomes this problem by way of constitutional articles. She also mentioned the amended provisions with respect to PIL decided by various cases that showed the power of PILs and the judgments of supreme Courts, those cases include Parmanand Katra V. Union of India, case against custodian violence, writ filed by Sheela  Barse on the behalf of women prisoners.  

Prof. Mamata Srivasatav, Addl.Director, ALS II Centre presented memento of gratitude and appreciation to Mr. J.K Teotia and Ms. Kusum Sharma .The event turned out to be a great platform for sharing knowledge to the young budding lawyers of Amity University