
08 Oct 2012-12 Oct 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Celebrates World Mental Health Week

Stress and Depression are very common amongst people of every genre whether students, working professionals, housewives, etc. as it is a byproduct of the work and responsibility. The parameters of fitness have undergone a change and it’s not just physical fitness that matters but mental fitness has also become everyone concern to exist, survive and grow in highly competitive market of any field.

Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences has organized a five days Seminar from October 8 – 12, 2012 on “Preventive Psychological Intervention of Depression” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida. During the seminar professional Psychiatrist from the renowned Institutions like VIMHANS, FORTIS, Delhi University, etc. shared their experiences with students.

The seminar includes various components of psychology and related issues but the major concern has been to identify the causes and preventions of Depression. A paper presentation competition was also held on the theme of the seminar. Delivering a message that laughter is the best therapy to destroy and prevent stress and depression. Students of Amity institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences also presented skits showcasing the factors and preventions of Depression in a very humorous manner.

Sharing his views with the gathering Dr. Saurabh Vats, Psychiatrist, Fortis, Noida said that now days apart from physical diseases, mental diseases have also become a big concern. He suggested students three simple ways to avoid depression by saying don’t be judgmental, don’t try to change anyone and don’t try to read anyone’s mind. “Being happy in your own work and targets of life is the simplest way to be successful without adding stress and depression” added Dr. Vats. “Number of Suicides have increased because of mental pressure, therefore, spread of depression has to be checked before it becomes unmanageable” remarked Dr. Saurabh.

Dr. Kushal Jain, Consultant Psychiatrist, VIMHANS apprised the gathering with his knowledge about the causes and ways of prevention from stress and depression through a presentation. The presentation comprised of many factors which causes depression and the ways to detect and get rid of it. He explored the word Depression to its deepest and related complications to it too. “To be a good psychiatrist, students should go through different case studies which the professionals face and solve on day to day basis” said Dr. Jain.

On 11th and 12th October 2012, Students seminar on ‘Psychotherapy Vs Spirituality: An approach to Happy, Healthy and Holistic Living’ and research conducted online using General Health Questionnaire will take place.