
30 Jan 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

“90% of civilian attacks are Arc attacks which give victims time to counter attack and overpower the attacker” stresses Mr. Anuj Sharma – Chief Instructor, Invictus during Self Defense Training Workshop” at Amity University

In order to equip and empower the female students and faculty members of Amity keeping in view the rising heinous crimes in the city, Amity University started two day “Self Defense Training Workshop” on January 30- 31, 2013 at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida .


The Management of Amity has always been very concerned about the safety and security of all Amity students and staff, especially the female students and female staff and the Training workshop was an important step in this direction


Mr. Anuj Sharma – Chief Instructor, Invictus trained the first batch of 60 female students and employees on combat and self defense techniques


With over 15 years of experience, Mr. Anuj Sharma is a Survival Expert and one of the foremost exponents in the field of Close Quarter Combat in the country. Having cross trained in the field of traditional as well as modern fighting arts such as Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Krav Maga, Defendo and R.A.T.S, he is an expert in the field of Combat and Self Defense.

The interesting and interactive session started with the trainer apprising the audience with the meaning of “Self Defense”, which he emphasized as “any action that increases the chances of one’s survival”. He very lucidly explained Self Defense through role plays by female students and employees, who seemed eager to learn the techniques of Self Defense not only for their own safety and security but also, for their female family members.


The trainer briefed them about the four kinds of attacks- Straight attack (involving horizontal or vertical movement of the limbs), Arc attack (involving the circular movement of the limbs), Acid attack and Grabbing and also demonstrated the defenses against all the attacks. He advised all the female participants to keep small tools such as knives, pepper sprays with them whenever they go out of their homes and stressed that such tools should be kept separately so that in case of emergency, they could be easily found and used for self- defense.

Mr. Sharma shared that over 90% of civilian attacks are arc attacks which give victims time to counter attack and overpower the attacker with straight attacks (straight punches), which are very fast and least time consuming of all the attacks and therefore, give lesser time to the attacker to recover and respond. The basic defense principle, he averred, is to use the hardest part of your body on the softest part of the attacker so that the impact of the attack is maximum on the attacker.


Dwelling on various steps of Self Defense, Mr. Anuj Sharma shared that the first step of Self Defense is to pick up the danger signs and try to avoid the situation which could be potentially harmful. If you are already into a troublesome situation, then try to negotiate with the attacker. Fighting with the attacker should be the last resort, then too if the thing you are fighting for is as important as your life or even more important than that say for, your parents or your family members’ life.


In cases of chain snatching, the trainer advised the participants not to chase or get into a fight with the goons especially in deserted and desolate areas since they might be carrying a gun or a knife and a little provocation can end up into a deadly fight. He suggested that the victim should rather report the matter to the nearest police station immediately and if possible, note down the details of the attackers and their vehicle.


Over 850 students and faculty members would undergo the training, which will eventually become a regular feature in Amity with mandatory participation of all the female students and staff of Amity University, as part of Military Training Camp (MTC).


The trainer was welcomed by Dr. B Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Prof. Alka Munjal- Director, Academics, Amity University, Prof. (Dr) Marshal Sahni-Dean, Student Welfare, Amity University and other senior officials of Amity