
27 Nov 2012|Noida | FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi

Delhi Sanskrit Academy felicitates 500 Sanskrit teachers of Delhi

Delhi Sanskrit Academy organized a Felicitation Ceremony in FICCI Auditorium on November 27, 2012 and honored over 500 Sanskrit teachers of Delhi Schools, who are acting as promoters of “Sanskrit”- the most treasured and valuable language of modern India.

Delhi Sanskrit Academy was set up in 1987 to disseminate the importance of Sanskrit language, which is a symbol of national unity and linguistic integrity of the country and to preserve and promulgate the nation’s rich culture, heritage and traditions. Since its inception, Delhi Sanskrit Academy has been promoting “Sanskrit” language in the country through various Seminars, Conferences and Felicitation Ceremonies

Dr. Kiran Walia, Education Minister of Govt  of NCT of Delhi , Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary,  Delhi Sanskrit Academy, Dr. Dharam Pal and Dr. Shashi Prabha- Vice Chairperson, Sanskrit Academy were present during the Felicitation Ceremony

In her opening remarks, Dr. Shashi Prabha, Vice Chairperson, Delhi Sanskrit Academy, stressed the need to promote and practice Sanskrit in day-to-day life.  She stressed that Sanskrit is a very scoring subject and it needs to be resuscitated in modern era to preserve and promote rich Indian culture and traditions. She praised all the teacher recipients who have been putting in diligent efforts to teach and promote Sanskrit . She also spoke about ‘Mulkayan Mai Gunvata”

 Dr. Ashok K Chauhan-Founder President, Amity Group who is himself a great promoter of Indian values, culture and sanskaars, emphasized the need to propagate Sanskrit through different ways. Dr. Chauhan has set up Amity Group of Institutions with a mission to provide global education combined with rich Indian culture, values and ethos to Indian students. Amity students, as a result, are much sought after in the world because of their ethics, loyalty and dedication to their work

Sharing her views during the occasion, Dr. Kiran Walia expressed her immense pleasure over the presence of distinguished guests on the dais who, in their respective areas,   have enormously contributed to the field of Sanskrit.  Lauding the efforts of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan for the excellent work being done by Amity Group under his leadership, Dr. Walia equated him with “Philosopher’s Stone” which can turn anything into Gold just by mere touch. She remarked that it is due to his such unique leadership that  the Group has scaled great heights.

 Dwelling on the present scenario of Sanskrit language, Dr. Walia expressed her concern that today people run after seemingly glorious degrees without taking into consideration the character building. “Today, lot of universities and colleges in India are engaged in just delivering education, devoid of the basic essence of our rich culture and traditions. They are overlooking their responsibility towards the society and country, thereby not repaying back what they owe to these social structures. Character building is very important which needs to be done in the educational institutes.  It is our prime duty and responsibility to protect and promote Sanskrit language, which will help strengthening the character of the youth of the country”, opined Dr. Walia

In his address, Dr. Dharam Pal emphasized the importance of “Sanskrit” citing that all Hindu rituals are performed in Sanskrit. He referred to Sanskrit Language as “language of Acharyas” and shared that Uttarakhand Government has accorded Sanskrit a status of  State language and Kerala Government has also  introduced Sanskrit from Class-I onwards. 

Ms. Ronia Williams, while sharing her views during the occasion, shared that in Philadelphia, Sanskrit language is being taught since 1857 and appealed Hon’ble Education Minister, Government of Delhi to take adequate measures to preserve and promote Sanskrit language in the capital. She suggested that all the fiction and literary works written in Sanskrit should be translated into other international languages to make world realize the richness of Sanskrit language.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vikas Sridhar Sripular stressed on the impact of voice with special reference to the continuous recitation of Mantras which greatly helps in curing diseases. At the same time, he proposed that a research should be  initiated to ascertain the efficacy of mantras on people suffering from various ailments.

While proposing vote of thanks, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary,  Delhi Sanskrit Academy , stressed that there is a need for  setting up a library in the present premises of Delhi Sanskrit Academy as it will quench the knowledge thirst of Sanskrit Scholars and assured that in near future, this need will be fulfilled.

Also present during the occasion was Dr. Roopa Kulkarni -Department of Sanskrit of Nagpur University

The inauguration ceremony was followed by a glittering “Award Function” wherein 500 teachers from different schools of Delhi were honoured by the guests for their distinguished achievements.