
02 Nov 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Mr. A. K. Uppal, Advisor ASPESS delivers lecture on the topic "“Enhancing Longevity: Adding 10 years to life” during AIC Lecture Series

Amity International Centre (AIC) organized its 153rd lecture under the AIC Lecture Series where Mr. A. K. Uppal, Advisor ASPESS shared his views on the topic “Enhancing Longevity: Adding 10 years to life”.

Quality of life is the major concern these days, therefore to maintain it one needs to be healthy. Health directly relates to our eating habits and other day to day activities. As nowadays, the stress level has been increased because of work pressure, challenges and competition, thus maintaining a healthy diet and life has also become a challenge.

Mr. Uppal said that people are becoming alcoholic and smokers without paying heed to its consequences. He also added that if a tissue of a nervous system dies, it can never be treated (affected because of Alcohol or drugs). The young generation has big aspirations in life and to fulfill them they are working very hard but also getting addicted to smoking and alcohol habits due to work pressure and stress.

Three principle meals are most important and essential to maintain a healthy life i.e. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Many people miss their breakfast due to lack of time, which leads to lack of concentration at work and therefore, both mental and physical health gets affected. Few Macro Nutrients are the key to fitness such as Fiber, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, etc. These nutrients keep us fit and fine but there required quantity intake is also a concern such as Fiber consumed by a male gender should be 30 gm per day and by a Female gender should be 25 gm per day.  

Mr. Uppal added that to maintain a balanced health and life, exercise and meditation also plays a vital role. Moreover, stress can also be managed by inculcating a habit of regular exercise and meditation. As, no one has time to exercise these days, therefore most of the people are becoming obese. The changes in fitness and body composition which accompany physical training in people of normal weight is very valuable in the treatment of obesity. However, one of the most marked disabilities arising from obesity is a reduced exercise tolerance, so severely obese patients are unable to perform the exercise which would bring these benefits. It has been suggested that exercise may confer benefits on the obese person by reducing voluntary food intake, or by causing a prolonged elevation of metabolic rate. Obesity is best treated by a combination of dietary restriction and exercise: the more severe the obesity the more important the diet component of treatment, but exercise becomes more important with the management of mild obesity or the prevention of obesity. Lack of proper sleep is also one of the major concerns for becoming obese. Seven to eight hours sleep is necessary for one to live a healthy life.

Mr. Uppal also shared the main Cardio Vascular risk factors responsible for death which are:-

·         Arteriosclerosis

·         Coronary Heart

·         Heart Attack

·         High Blood Pressure

·         Peripheral Vascular Diseases

·         Rheumatic Heart Disease

·         Congestive Heart Failure

A mix of Healthy Food, Exercise, proper sleep and good habits can facilitate long life. Longevity of life is in our hands, so eat healthy, stay fit and live a happy life forever added Mr. Uppal.