
28 Sep 2012|Noida | Amity Institute of Education, Saket, New Delhi

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi organises Seminar on “Dynamics of Research opportunities in Education in India and The Netherlands"

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi in collaboration with NUFFIC Neso Desk India organized a seminar for the Holland Alumni Network - India (HAN-India) on the September 28, 2012.

The theme of the seminar was “Dynamics of Research opportunities in Education in India and The Netherlands”.

Mr. Robert Zimmerman, Second Secretary (Political Affairs & Diplomacy), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Delhi presented the inaugural address. He began with his commendation for India, calling it a fantastic country and said that he was greatly influenced by its dynamic and human potential. He then enlightened the alumni members and the other participants about the educational and research opportunities in The Netherlands. He stated that The Netherlands has been ranked among the top ten richest countries in the world and four of its Universities have been placed under the top hundred Universities in the world.

He opined that for progress of a nation clear defined goals and innovation form an integral part. As India and The Netherlands both have this quality the collaboration in the field of research amongst both countries shall provide a rich and varied experience to the researcher. He highlighted some pertinent points regarding a collaboration of this kind. To begin with, he said it would ameliorate the lives of both Indians as well as Dutch and will lead to significant progress of its people.

Ms. Amita Amin, Education Promotion Officer, NUFFIC Neso Desk India presented an overview about the Holland Alumni Network- India and the educational opportunities available in The Netherlands. Her presentation was based on key tasks of HAN-India, which are to promote Dutch higher education in general, strengthen the cooperation between Dutch & Indian Institutions and to develop alumni relations.

The panel members for the seminar were Mr. Ir. Jelle Nijdam, Counsellor for Science and Technology, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Delhi, Prof. Dr. Ajit Varma, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Science & Technology (International), Director General, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT) Vice Chairman, Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation (ASTIF), Dr.R.P.Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology & Vice Chairman, Amity Science & Technology Innovation Foundation.

Mr. Ir. Jelle Nijdam, focused on collaboration between India and the Netherlands for betterment of studies of the pupils in the area of research. On talking about existing challenges he said economy is significant for any country for promoting research. He emphasized that a government must support and facilitate students in doing research and generate the right environment to get positive results out of good research. India being a large country and having a huge pool of talented and educated pupils can definitely benefit from the collaboration between these two countries especially in the area of Science and Technology. He ended his speech by commending this initiative which will benefit the industry, government and the pupils of both the countries.

Prof. Dr. Ajit Varma, shared with the audience his experiences of research in the field of science and technology. He enlightened the alumni with the discovery of a novel symbiotic and magic fungus named as Priformospora indica- champion of symbiosis, discovery of the millennium and its extensive usage in the agricultural sector. He emphasized on the significance of sincerity and determination in making a research successful by quoting incidents from his own research studies and findings. He shared with the alumni his own experiences in the two countries especially in research and strengthened the faith that both the countries provide excellent environments for research and development. Hence he encouraged the alumni and other students to opt for scientific and educational research in collaboration with the two countries for their brighter future.

Dr. R.P. Singh discussed the role of nanotechnology in the common man’s life. Nanotechnology is the ability to manipulate materials at a molecular level driving out novel and exciting properties. He opined that the impact of nanotechnology is expanding and nothing will remain untouched. The future prospects of nanotechnology are very bright, as it directly concerns the quality, comfort and better health of the masses. Nanotechnology enables in doing things better than conventional technology and hence emphasized on research in this field too.

After the discussion session, the panelists addressed the questions asked by the HAN-India alumni members and provided further insight into the research and educational opportunities in the two countries.