
02 Nov 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Mr. Sethumadhavan Director, Strategy and Marketing, Huawei delivers lecture on " Indian Wireless Communication Paradigm: Opportunities and Challenges" at IETE Sub-Centre, Amity University

The IETE Foundation day is celebrated every year on 02 November 2012, this year also marks the beginning of Diamond Jubilee Year (1953-2013).  Every year the IETE organizes seminars/Guest Lectures on theme relevant to the present technological Paradigm of the country. This year the chosen theme was “Indian Wireless Communication Paradigm: Opportunities and Challenges”.

The IETE Sub-Centre Amity University Noida had organized a guest lecture by Mr. Sethumadhavan, Director, Strategy and Marketing, Huawei on the above subject on 01 November 2012 at Amity Institute of Telecom Technology & Management. More than 30 faculty members and over 200 students from AITTM, ASET and AIIT attended the lecture.

 The lecture was well received by the audience. Mr. Sethumadhavan talked about Global and Indian Wireless Trends. He highlighted that the growth of GSM is almost stagnant and this technology has completed its life cycle. The GSM and Voice Centric operations will not be able to financially survive by 2020; data will be major revenue earner. He also explained that the users will not be exploded with content but will be presented with the contents of their choice. The operators instead being mere carriers will resort to data mining to present the users the contents of their choice. The revenue will be shared between the content manager and the operator.

Among the challenges he highlighted that the spectrum is the major constraint with telecom operators. Indian industry is of the view that the scarcity has been created artificially which the Government should release immediately. The slow take off of 3G services are attributed to lack of adequate spectrum with operators. He highlighted that no operator has spectrum in all the circles. India. Perhaps is the only Country where 3G services have been launched with 5MHz spectrum. He also explained that future of telecom is in LTE and advance LTE which will carry both voice and data services.

The lecture was followed by a Q/A session and was of immense knowledge both for the students and the faculty.