
29 Aug 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Vice Mayor of Qingdao “Wang Jianxing” visits Amity University to invite Amity for the International Horticulture Expo 2014

Mr. Wang Jianxiang, Vice Mayor of Qingdao along with the delegation of six members from People Republic of China visited Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida. The objective of the visit was to showcase the expanse of Amity University both in terms of the reach and the academic excellence in the higher education sector.

In quest towards harmony between human and nature, Qingdao Municipal Government has organized International Horticulture Expo-2014, Qingdao, April- Oct. 2014. Qingdao has been rated as one of the most habitble cities by UN. The massive event is expected to attract 12 million visitors to promote global peace and harmony. Among the several themed gardens like the Chinese garden, flower garden, Enterprise garden, there is an International garden with spaces allotted to 36 countries and India is one of them. The International garden spreads over 16.7 hectares housing the Indian Pavilion and Indian Pavilion with its area of 1015 sqm. finds its strategic positioning near the lake. Carrying the concept of ‘From the earth for the Earth’ forward, students of Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Noida attempted to evolve the design. Towards this, a conceptual design along with a walk through was presented in front of Amity officials and delegation from Qingdao city by the students. The design made by the students of Amity School of Architecture and Planning was appreciated by the delegation.

Addressing the august gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, said that of Mr. Wang Jianxiang has made it a historic day for Amity. “Amity is a private University but different from other Universities and Amity aspire to reach to China too to spread Amity’s philosophy and the ways of Nation building worldwide” she exclaimed.

Mr. Wang Jianxiang expressing his joy over the visit said that he and his delegation are thankful for a very warm and affectionate welcome by Amity and acknowledged the philosophy and intelligence of Amitians and said that he feels he is visiting India at the right time, location and among right people. He also gave a brief introduction of the International Horticulture Expo 2014 and invited Amity for the exhibition. “I liked the culture, hospitality, atmosphere etc. of Amity University and would like to promote Amity in China” he added. “If Amity students and faculty members are going to be a part of this exhibition then Qingdao city will provide the best facilities and services for the participation”, he assured.