
21 Aug 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Amity University becomes the First Institution in North India to receive the prestigious accreditation from Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

Amity School of Business, Amity Business School and Amity International Business School (Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Amity University Uttar Pradesh) have become the first institutions in entire North India to have received the prestigious accreditation from Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA for their management programmes.

ACBSP accreditation standards are modeled on the Balridge National Quality Program ACBSP accredited FMS has become a part of Global Education Network with 470 ACBSP accredited campuses across the globe. The prestigious accreditation would provide FMS, AUUP with access to exchange programs, research programs and cultural enrichment with other member institutions. With ACBSP’s student –centric teaching and learning approach, the students would get global recognition and value of their degrees would get enhanced. The faculty members of FMS would become the part of global network of ACBSP accredited faculty across the globe and could even apply for International teaching.

Mr. Douglas Viehland- Executive Director, ACBSP presented the Accreditation Certificate to Dr. B Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Lt. Gen P D Bhargava- Dy. Vice Chancellor, AUUP and Director General, Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management (AITTM), Dr. Sanjay Srivastava- Director General, Amity Business School (ABS) and Mentor, Amity International Business School (AIBS) and Dr. Alka Munjal- Director, Academics and Director , Amity School of Business(ASB).

Congratulating FMS and citing various attributes of FMS which resulted in its specialized accreditation by ACBSP, Mr. Viehland applauded unique programs offered by FMS, its extensive corporate interaction and placements, world class infrastructure especially the Incubator and top ranking by prestigious institutions. Mr. Viehland remarked that ACBSP accreditation is a global standard aimed at ongoing improvement process. Outlining the benefits which will accrue to the students as part of the accreditation, Mr. Viehland said that the ACBSP accreditation will help FMS to nurture graduates who are employable in global marketplace, well equipped to solve multi-disciplinary problems with their leadership and decision making abilities. Students would get access to the publications of ACBSP including “Business Education Week” which would inform them with the latest management trends and best practices across the globe and the selected few could participate to prepare self study modules and become mentors for other B- Schools, added Mr. Viehland. He congratulated the business schools of Amity University for becoming a part of ACBSP league of institutions spread across the world.

Sharing her views during the occasion, Dr. Balvinder Shukla highlighted the importance of global recognitions for educational institutions and stressed that employment has become global and so is the education therefore, there is a need for global recognitions which act as a yardstick to assess the competency of the students across the globe. She, further, emphasized that the ACBSP -Accreditation process enriched the learning and knowledge of all those at Amity who were associated with the process, it has helped FMS, AUUP to assess the efficacy of its operations and ascertain where it is today and where does it want to be after one year or next five years.

ACBSP was founded in 1988, is a leading global accrediting body for business education supporting, celebrating, and rewarding teaching excellence. ACBSP acknowledges the importance of scholarly research and inquiry and believes that such activities facilitate improved teaching. ACBSP is the only organization offering accreditation to all levels of collegiate business programs from Associate to Baccalaureate to Doctoral Degree Programs.