
30 May 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity School of Engineering & Technology organises Faculty Development Program

Technology is moving towards being opn and the popularity of Opn Source Software in the market is forcing organizations to break the shackles of Licenses. Amity School of Engineering and Technology’s Department of Information Technology in association with Amity Academic Staff College organized a one day Faculty Development Program on “Opn Source Software” on May 30, 2012 at E2 block, Sector- 125, Noida.

The FDP witnessed the participation of faculty from various Amity Institutions. At the outset Prof.(Dr). Abhay Bansal, Programme Director of this FDP & Head of Department (Information Technology) welcomed the participants and emphasized on the role of technology oriented workshops for faculty. During the inaugural, Prof.(Dr). Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, AUUP &DG ASET addressed the participants and focused on the revolution being brought by Opn Source in her deliberations. The training session was conducted by, Ms. Suchi Garg, Technology Architect at Halabol Technologies.

FDP was divided into session covering basic of opn source software’s, Drupal basics, installation intricacies, module usage and theme selection. The participants got hands on practice on Drupal a framework for content management system.