
30 Mar 2010-31 Mar 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Eminent Artist Mr. Satish Gujral honored with “Amity Lifetime Achievement Award for Art” during “ Kreativ 10” at Amity

Fashion, fun and fiesta with a dash of knowledge sharing and hobnobbing with renowned artists, fashion designers marked the beginning of two day “ Kreativ 10”, the annual Fashion and Art event by Amity School of Fine Arts (ASFA) and Amity School of Fashion Technology (ASFT). The event started with a talk show on “ Indian Art in Global Scenario” in which renowned artists Mr. Keshav Malik – Sr. Art Critic, Mr. Suneet Chopra- Sr. Art Critic, Ms. Mithu Sen- Artist, Mr. M. Ramachandran- Regional Secretary, Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi and Ms. Rosshni Vadhera- Vadhera Art Gallery presented their views.

Sharing his views on art, Mr. Suneet Chopra- Sr. Art Critic said, “art is an investment and investment is not a speculation. Investment is putting your financial support in a particular form of art so that something beautiful develops. And, the best investment in art is to invest in an artist.” He averred, “Today’s world is controlled by market forces, which dictate what will survive and what will languish. Historically, good art always survive and the interesting thing about an artist is nobody can stop him from getting acknowledged in future if his art responds to certain forces”. He urged the students to study the trends of history and develop something original and hoped that a day will come when art will become a better investment than even arms trade, thereby changing the world.

Ms. Mithu Sen- Artist shared with the gathering various recurring themes in her artworks. She citied that art has become a more paying profession in today’s world and advised students to be honest in their creativity.

Presenting his views, during the seminar Mr. M. Ramachandran- Regional Secretary, Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi said, “art is related to life and it has the potential to depict the myriad hues of life. Most of the countries in East or West are not blessed with the variety India is blessed with. There is creativity in every form of art whether it is painting, photography or fashion. Art gives an artist complete freedom of articulation. An artist has the knack to notice the most subtle aspect of things which others can’t see.” He called upon the students to incessantly upgrade their knowledge which will add on to their experience and make them look at the world in a clearer and better way.

The seminar was followed by honoring of the eminent artist, Mr. Satish Gujral with Lifetime Achievement Award for Art by Ms. Divya Chauhan- Chairperson, Amity School of Fine Arts (ASFA) and Amity School of Fashion Technology (ASFT). The artist was accompanied by his wife, Ms. Kiran Gujral. Mr. Satish Gujral and his wife inaugurated “ SRIJAN”, which is an exhibition and display of the works of graduating students of Amity School of Fine Arts. The artist and his wife were amazed with the creativity and talent of the students.

Also present during the seminar were Maj. Gen K J Singh- Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. B Shukla- Pro Vice Chancellor (A), Amity University, Dr. Pradeep Joshi- Director, Amity School of Fine Arts (ASFA) and Amity School of Fashion Technology (ASFT).

Prolific experts from Fashion, Textile, Apparel and Retail industry including Mr. D K Nair- Secretary General, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), Prof. (Dr.) S M Ishtiaque- Dy Director, IIT, Delhi, Mr. Sudhir Gupta- General Manager, Exports Business, ITC Limited, Mr. Anurag Rajpal- VP (Apparel), Spencer’s Retail Limited and Mr. Rahul Vohra- CEO, Awesome World, Gurgaon shared their views during the talk shows on the theme “ India-Emerging Hub of Fashion Industry “ and “ Is there light at the end of tunnel for Indian Retail”.

The day ended with the cultural performances by the students of Amity School of Fine Arts and Amity Institute of Fashion Technology.