
18 Sep 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus,Sector-125,Noida

Business Leaders apprise budding managers with the changing corporate trends during “Global Leadership Summit” at Amity Business School

Amity Business School (ABS) organized 6th Global Leadership Summit on the theme “Scripting India’s Future: Connecting Business, Civil Society and Education” at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Every year, Global Leadership Summit is organized by Amity Business School to provide budding managers a golden opportunity to interact and learn from business leaders, who have set trailblazing examples in their respective sectors.

Mr. R. C. Bhargava-Chairman, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Mr. Jude Magima-Executive Director & Member, Apex Managing Committee, Dabur Group of Companies, Mr. Qimat Rai Gupta- CMD, Havells India Ltd., Ms. Rashmi Singh- Mission Director, Convergence Mission Govt. of NCT Delhi and Dr. Sanjay Srivastava- Head & Addl. Director General, Amity Business School inaugurated the Summit.

Welcoming the august gathering and thanking the corporate leaders for making it to the Summit, Dr. Sanjay Srivatava highlighted the importance of regular industry interaction in apprising the management students with the latest trends followed in the industry, which is in continuous flux. He motivated the students to make the most out of the day long discussions, deliberations, and experience sharing by the corporate doyens who define the contours of the corporate world.

Sharing the success story of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. with the students, Mr. R. C. Bhargava-Chairman, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd said, “one reason behind Maruti occupying dominant position in car market today is that Maruti challenged the traditional relationship that existed between trade union, workers and management. Taking lesson from Japan, the management of Maruti realized that for achieving long term productivity, workers or trade unions can no longer be considered as adversaries. In fact, workers are the real assets of any organization because they are the people who actually produce the product.” Stressing on the need to increase the manufacturing jobs in the Indian economy, Mr. Bhargava said that the growth of manufacturing sector needs to be accelerated by 13% in order to ensure sustainable future growth of Indian economy. This accelerated pace, he elaborated, can be attained by increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving competitiveness and its workers only who can collectively make this possible. In every organization, management and worker should realize that they cannot do without each other. Mr. Bhargava deliberated upon the need of Indian Business Schools to devise, develop and deliver India specific content and case- studies rather than blindly imitating American study models, as a result of which every year, Indian industry is flooded with bulk of management graduates who are unemployable.

Ms. Rashmi Singh, who has been instrumental for bringing numerous policy changes at societal level, shared her views on changing definition of leadership and the leadership challenges. She averred, “leadership challenge in todays context is looking and addressing the paradox of huge gap between “have” and “ have nots”, bringing marginalized section of the society into the mainstream and giving voice to “unheard” and “un reached”. Today’s leadership has to be transformational rather than transactional and has to aim at inclusive growth. The conventional approach of Government about “ leading from the top” has to give way to “ bottom up approach”. The strength of Government, Private sector and Civil society has to be combined to bring about the much awaited change in the society”

During the inauguration, the distinguished business leaders along with Maj. Gen K J Singh- Vice Chancellor, Amity University released the “Recruitment Brochure of Class 2011”.

The inauguration was followed by the conferral of “Amity Leadership Awards” upon distinguished personalities and corporate giants for their unparallel contribution in the respective sectors. The awards acknowledged achievements in the field of leadership, enterprise, innovation, growth, diversification, best practices, policy, strategy, human resource management, partnerships, corporate citizenship, creating value for customers and stakeholders, etc

Famous Fashion Designer, Ms. Ritu Beri, while accepting “Amity Leadership Award” thanked Amity Business School for acknowledging her talent and hard work. She called upon the students to focus on what they want to do in life ,enjoy doing that and follow their dreams and think as big as they can.

Accepting “Amity Leadership Award”, Mr. Qimat Rai Gupta- CMD, Havells India Ltd iterated that leaders are not born but they develop eventually with experience and time. Leadership will not follow anyone unless and until a person is ambitious and determined. Sharing the success mantra of Havells India Ltd., Mr. Gupta said, “employees at Havells are encouraged and prepared to become leaders, which no doubt contributes to the success and growth of the organization”.

During the plenary session on “Industry insight on India’s Growth Trajectory”, industry experts including Mr. Jude Magima- Executive Director & Member, Apex Managing Committee, Dabur Group of Companies, Mr. M.L. Gupta, MD, Everest Industries Ltd., Mr. K M Nanaiah, MD, Pitney Bowes India Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Chris White, President & CEO, RKJ Group shared their valuable views with the gathering.

Some of the proud recipients of “Amity Leadership Awards” included Mr. Vivek Mohan-President (Global Services Business), Alcatel Lucent, Mr. Jude Magima-Executive Director & Member, Apex Managing Committee, Dabur Group of Companies, Mr. Ram Chandra Agarwal-CMD, Vishal Retail Ltd, Mr. Sanjeev Arora- President & CEO, Pipal Research, Mr. Vishal Gupta, MD, Ashiana Housing Ltd., Mr. L. P. Agarwal- MD & CEO, PNB Investment Services Ltd and many more.