
01 Oct 2010|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

130th lecture of Amity International Centre’s lecture series

Amity International Centre (AIC) organized a panel discussion on “Food Security” as part of its 130th lecture series.

To discuss and debate on various issues related to Food Security, Experts were invited to enlighten the audiences with their views and experiences. The eminent guests speakers for the occasion included Dr. M Parthiban, MD, Life Sciences & Intelligentsia, Mr. Ashok Kumar Zutshi, VP, National Bulk Handling Coorporation (NBHC), Dr. AK Yadav, Director, National Council for Organic Farming (NCOF), Mr. Bharat Bhushan Tyagi, CEO, Gayatri Suman Farm & Nursery, Service Provider of NCOF.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group and Prof. JN Kaul, Director, Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture (AIOA) also graced the occasion.

Dr. M Parthiban, MD, Life Sciences & Intelligentsia spoke on “Food Production, Policies and Impact of Climate Change.” He stressed that the students are to be encouraged to step into the field of agriculture and work for its growth and development. The current generation is more inclined towards the development in the field of Information Technology as a result agriculture sector is suffering. We have to inculcate interest in students for agriculture and related sectors. He emphasized that more focus is to be given to small scale and marginal farmers as more than 70% of our farmers are below poverty line. He discussed some case studies to make the audience understand the numerous adversities in Food Security.

While speaking on the topic “Post Harvest Management – Warehousing, Logistics, Collateral Management – Funding, Quality Testing, Health Care of Agri Commodities” Mr. Ashok Kumar Zutshi, VP, National Bulk Handling Coorporation (NBHC) asserted that quality evaluation, use of insecticides and proper use of fertilizers are some of the important issues for market as well as the consumers. The advanced technologies in this regard are to be brought to the country to ensure the growth of agriculture which is a prime sector. Large sections of our population are engaged in agriculture, therefore, the farmers are to be provided with fund and information which in turn will help in the food security and food production of the country.

Sharing his views on“Food Security at What Cost?” Dr. AK Yadav, Director, National Council for Organic Farming (NCOF) said that there should be adequate food production in the country to meet the requirement of the nation and food products should be which should be available at affordable prices to the people. He averred that in the past few years the use of fertilizers has increased but the productivity has not reached the required growth. There is nutrient deficiency in the soil. Soil health and bio-diversity are at stake. Ground water is used at an alarming rate. He called upon the audience to enrich the inherited fertile land with science and leave prosperous heritage to future generation.

Mr. Bharat Bhushan Tyagi, CEO, Gayatri Suman Farm & Nursery gave his presentation on “Organic Agriculture - Food Security & Food Safety” He shared his 30 years experience and observation of the rural economy and informed the audiences of the prolonged and the existing adversities in the rural economy. Inspite of being educated people are forgetting the cultural values and humanity is deteriorating. If we start giving importance to human values everything else will improve automatically. We have valuable natural resources but we are not sustaining it. There is harmony in the environment but human beings are creating disaster in unbalancing it. It has become essential to change the mindset of people and incline them towards development of moral values. This will help the people to understand the need of Food Security.

The panel discussion was followed by an interactive Question and Answer session.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group encouraged the audiences to contribute towards the future growth and development of Food Security. He appreciated the experiences given by the experts in this regard. He also announced to start Amity Institute of Food Security Management during the auspicious occasion.

Students of Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture (AIOA), Amity Institute of Food Technology (AIFT), Amity School of Rural and Urban Management (ASRUM) and Amity School of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (ASNRSD) were present during the panel discussion on Food Security.