
27 Sep 2010|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-44, Noida

Mr. Ankit Fadia, Computer Security Guru delivers lecture at Amity International Business School

Students of Amity International Business School (AIBS) had the much dreamt of opportunity to attend the lecture by world-renowned Computer Security Guru and Certified Ethical Hacker 4.0, Mr. Ankit Fadia at Amity Campus, Sector-44, Noida.

The genius started with sharing how Internet security has become a global concern, the difference between hackers and crackers and how the privacy of users is compromised by computer criminals.

He apprised students as to how to hack somebody IP address through websites such as, , “”, how to log on to google safely and securely through Internet based proxy servers such as “” , and “”, how to unblock torrent websites and how to protect oneself using “ Proxy Servers”, “MAC Spoofing”, “War Driving by connecting to Random Wi- Fi Network” and “ Proxy Bouncing”.

In his informative lecture, Mr. Fadia talked about the nuances of “E- Mail Spoofing”, “Terrorism- Steganography”, “ Password Cracking” and “ATM Machine Hacking”

Mr. Ankit Fadia, 24 year old, is an independent computer security and digital intelligence consultant with definitive experience in the field of internet security based out of the Silicon Valley in California, USA. He has authored 14 internationally best selling books on numerous topics related to computer security, that have been widely appreciated by both professionals and industrial leaders the world over.

Mr. Ankit Fadia is also a widely recognized computer security guru and cyber terrorism expert. He has also led several investigations pertaining to national security and cyber terrorism.

Dr. Gurinder Singh, DG, AIBS & Pro VC (I), AUUP, Faculty members, senior officials and students of AIBS were present during the lecture session.