
14 Sep 2010|Noida | Hotel Sheraton, New Delhi

Ms. Jahanvi Vyas a student of Amity Business School secured the First Prize in the finale of Budding Manager – at NCMS-2010 organized by AIMA

Ms. Jahanvi Vyas of MBA-G (Batch of 2011) a student of Amity Business School secured the First Prize in the finale of ‘Budding Manager’ – at NCMS-2010 organized by AIMA held at Hotel Sheraton on 14th September’2010.

There were a total of 210 participating B-Schools from all over India. Ms. Jahanvi Vyas of MBA-G (Batch of 2011) was a winner. She is supposed to join the Grand Finale which will take place in Kolkata on 22nd - 23rd Sept. 2010. She has been awarded the Winner’s Trophy, Certificate and a handsome Cash Prize