
15 Sep 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation (ASTIF) Organises Lecture on “Diagnostics/ Clinical Microbiology

Amity Science, Technology& Innovation Foundation (ASTIF) organized lecture on “Diagnostics/ Clinical Microbiology” by Dr. Bhagat Singh, Professor and Head of Department of Microbiology, Institute of Applied Medicines and Research, Duhai, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh for students at Amity campus -125, Noida.

The welcome address was given by Prof. Sunil Saran, Chairman, Amity International Center for Post Harvest Technology & Co Chain Management and Sr. Vice Chairman, ASTIF.

In his lecture Dr. Singh broadly outlined “The Relation between Microbes & Humans” and explained “Why Some Bacteria Are Pathogenic While Some Are Non-Pathogenic”. The students showed deep interest in the topic “Pathogenicity of Bacteria – Its Structural Features, Adhesion & Secreted Proteins (in forms of toxins).”

Dr. Singh dwelt on “Endo- toxins & the Pathogenic response” ,“Some of the clinical & laboratory markets of the inflammatory response” , “How do we know that a given pathogen causes a specific disease”, “Diagnosis of bacterial infection”, “Why a proper clinical assessment being essential for optimal use of laboratory services” and “Quality Assurance”, “Correct Specimen” along with its essential steps (Proper selection of specimen, proper collection of specimen & proper transportation of specimen to the laboratory), “Specimen & Infection Control”, “ Factors limiting usefulness of Bacteriological Investigations” and “ Diagnosis of Bacterial Infection and its stages ( Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity), “Creating appropriate environment”, “Isolation of Micobacteria from clinical sample”, “Isolation of pathogens from faeces”, “Blood Culture- its stages”, “ Cultivation on Blood Agar”, “ Identification of bacteria”, TSI- (Triple sugar Iron) Test” and “SIM (Sulfide Indole Motility) Test”, “Sensitivity Test”, “Non-Cultural Diagnostic Methods”, “Use of Antibodies As A Diagnostic Tool”, Production of Monoclonal Antibodies”, “Serological Tests For Pathogen Detection”, “Fluorescent Antibody Techniques (Direct & Indirect)”, “Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA)”, “Pregnancy Test Sticks- Mini ELISA (Commercial Application)”, “ Molecular Method – PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)”, “ Hybridization Techniques”, “Protcomics”, “ Future Medicine”, “ Vaccines For Prevention of Disease & Ways to Get Them” and “Most Commonly Encountered Dermatophytoses” during his one hour interactive lecture.

The lecture was attended by Prof. Dr. Ajit Varma, Vice Chairman ASTIF and Director General, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology and Dr. R.P Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology and Vice Chairman, ASTIF.