
14 Sep 2010|Noida | National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), Ballabhgarh, Haryana

Amity Institute of Training and Development imparts “Animal Welfare” training to BSF officials

Amity Institute of Training and Development (AITD) conducted week long training on - Animal Welfare, for the officials of Border Security Force (BSF) at National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), Ballabhgarh, Haryana

The basic objective of the programme was to spread awareness about Animal Welfare and related issues. The training contents broadly covered four heads. “Ethics & Humane Protection”, “Applicable Laws & Rules”, “Public & Animal Health” and “Making of right climate for Animal Welfare”.

Mr. Kamal Kishore-Under Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Mr P K Jha-Section Officer, Animal Welfare Division, Maj Vinod Krishna-Director, AITD and Col Dr. Subhash Chand-Senior Faculty Member, AITD were present during the valediction ceremony held on Friday September 19, 2010.

Mr. Kamal Kishore thanked Maj. Krishna and Amity Institute of Training Development for devising the training modules in a very innovative manner and applauded the interactive way the training was imparted to the BSF officials. He expressed his hope that more personnel of BSF would be deputed by the sentinels of India’s Borders to attend the training programmes in future also.

Maj Krishna summarized the proceedings of the programme and shared the positive feedback given by the participants regarding the training programme.

Mr. Jha highlighted the achievements of NIAW. Col Subhash Chand complimented participants for their proactive participation.

During the programme an educational visit to Army Equestrian centre, 61 Cavalry, Delhi Cantt was also organized, where the participants gained knowledge about Shelter Management for animals, Nutrition and Care of Horses etc.

The participants of the training programme included one Officer and sixteen Non-commissioned Officers (NCOs) of Border Security Force (BSF)-Dr. G.S. Nag-Dy Commandant, Mr. Mahesh Chandar- Head police, Mr. Dipankar Panda-Junior officer, Mr. Mohan Shyam-Junior officer, Mr. Sankar Karmakar-Junior officer, Mr. Parmod Chauhan-Junior officer, Mr. Kuldeep Singh Negi-Junior officer, Mr. Bhanu Chandra Adhikari- Junior officer, Mr. Chhatarapal Singh- Junior officer Mr. Ratan Pal Singh- Junior officer, Mr. Ram Niwas- Junior officer and others.

The training was conducted under the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed between NIAW and AITD. Under this arrangement, AITD has to provide 22 training programmes in 40 weeks at National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), Ballabhgarh, Haryana. Participants from different walks of life such as Veterinary Interns and Doctors, Managers of Gaushalas and Animal house officials, Animal handlers and Farmers from neighboring areas have undergone training imparted by AITD at NIAW, as part of the MoU. Training Programme contents are appropriately revised and modified to meet specific needs of participants. This is for the first time that BSF personnel were deputed to attend a programme.

These programmes on Animal Welfare have been imaginatively designed under the guidance and able leadership of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Universe. The series of training programmes has been organized by AITD in close coordination with Mr. Anjani Kumar, Director - NIAW, who is also Director - Animal Welfare Division which is an important organ of Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF).