
10 Dec 2014|Noida |

Honorary Professorship Conferred upon Mr Malcolm Johnson, Dy. Secretary General, ITU, Geneva at Amity University

AmityInternational Telecommunication Forum and Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering & Management organized an interactive session of Mr.Malcolm Johnson, Director, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)standardization Bureau and Dy. Secretary General, ITU elect. with Scientistsand distinguished faculty members of Amity University. During the session, Mr.Malcolm Johnson delivered a talk on “Emerging Trends in InternationalTelecommunications Ecosystem”.

Addressingthe gathering, Mr. Malcolm Johnson informed about the whole bouquet ofproducts, services and Networks likely to emerge in the coming years. Hefurther added that ITU is focusing on academia for their creditablecontribution to the standardization process and proposed Amity to be a memberof ITU.  Mr. Johnson also proposed for a Joint research work whereresearch scholars can work at ITU in a tiopic or area of their interest.

Duringthe session, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Founder President Amity Group of Institutionconferred Honorary Professorship to Mr Malcolm Johnson.

Dr.Ashok Chauhan said, “Amity University took the lead andorganised the visit of Mr Malcolm Johnson to show case our capabilities andthis visit could trigger Universities like Amity to host future ITU Study GroupMeetings and other activities.”

Thesession evoked good interaction between the esteemed speaker and participants.The lecture was attended by Lt. Gen. P.D. Bhargava, Gp. Dy. VC &Advisor, AITEM; Dr. S.K. Khatri, Dir, AIIT; Dr. Manoj Sharma, Dir, ADOE; Mr.Arun Bisaria, Prof. & Head, AIGG; Prof. R.K. Kapur, Dy. Dir & Head,AITEM; Col. O.P. Aurora, HoD (MBA-Telecom) & Advisor-IIC, AITEM; Prof. M.K.Dutta, HoD (ECE), ASET; Prof. Abhay Bansal, HoD (CSE), ASET; Ms. Madhuri Kumar,Actg. HoD (IT), ASET; Mr. Nishant Kr. Rai, Asst. Dir, ADDOE and Seniorfaculty members of Amity University.