
20 Nov 2014|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Mr. David Horlock -Managing Director, Asia Pacific Region, British Standards Institution (BSI) visits Amity

Mr.David Horlock -Managing Director, Asia Pacific Region, British Standards Institution (BSI) along with Mr. Venkataram Arabolu, MD, BSI (India) and other key officials from BSI India visitedAmity University Uttar Pradesh.

AmityUniversity has a tie up with BSI, as part of which BSI has been offeringspecially designed, industry aligned programmes for students, faculty members andeven Ex- Amitians in areas such as Quality Management, EnvironmentalManagement, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Information SecurityManagement, Information Technology Management, Food Safety Management, SixSigma, Lean Management, and Business Continuity Management. Amity is anintegral part of BSI programme in India to elevate and create the culture ofQuality amongst students at an early stage.

Mr.Horlock and his team was welcomed by Mr. Arun Chauhan- Trustee, RBEF and Mr.Aseem Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity along with senior officials from Amity.

 Addressing the gathering, Mr. AseemChauhan expressed his gratitude to Mr. David Horlock for visiting Amity andre-inforced Amity’s commitment to quality in every micro and macro systems andprocesses. He outlined how Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President of Amity isdetermined to bring about an education revolution in the country by providingquality education to the youth which not only makes them employable but alsocompetent professionals and good human beings.

Sharing his thoughts, Mr. Arun Chauhan- Trustee, RBEF outlined the long association ofAmity with BSI and how it is benefitting the students in terms of making thememployable and industry ready. He opined that it is very important for Indian Institutionsto go for standardization which will ensure their global competitiveness and relevance.He proposed BSI to offer its programmes in other campuses of Amity as well sothat the students in those campuses could also benefit alike from the industryaligned, professional approach of BSI.

Mr.David Horlock -Managing Director, Asia Pacific Region, British Standards Institution (BSI) expressed his delight in visiting Amity everytime since “it defines what good looks like in education”. He appreciated theHon’ble Prime Minister’s thought provoking speech in Australia which evincedthe renewed optimism of the people of India. He stressed, “All the developingeconomies in Asia are now aspiring to get investment dollars through “Come makein China”, “Come make in India”, “Come make in Thailand”. Today, the definitionof quality has changed. Quality, earlier, was about price, durability and overallproduct quality but today, quality is more about processes and systems. Morerecently, it’s about Organizational Behavior which is a big game changerbecause consumers are not only earning to buy good products produced by goodsystems and processes; they want to buy from organizations that behavecorrectly in their supply chains”. He remarked, “The Supply chains are becomingvery complex, and if you don’t know with whom you are dealing and put handshakeback into the business, you cannot assure good organizational behavior in yourcompany.”

He opined that if India wants to be successful,it will be through combining old processes and technologies with new processes,new technologies and good organization behavior. He commended Amity as an Institutionwhich plays a really very important role in equipping people who are going to bethe future leaders, and who are going to work with organizations that aredefining what good looks like.

He stressed, “World is becoming a smaller place;communities are becoming regions, regions are becoming countries andstandardization is the need of the hour”

Duringan interactive session with the Directors, HoDs and senior faculty members,various further options of mutual collaboration were discussed and deliberatedupon.