
23 Feb 2010|Noida | Leela Kempinski Hotel, Gurgaon

Amity University participates in Lateral Thinking Guru Workshop - Think with Edward De Bono

Amity University participated as Academic Partner in Lateral Thinking Guru Workshop - Think with Edward De Bono at Leela Kempinski Hotel, Gurgaon on February 23, 2010.

H.E Rupert Holborow, New Zealand High Commissioner took the opportunity to introduce Dr. De Bono. Ms. Raga D’silva, MD Global Village Unlimited gave the welcome speech.

The event was dived into six excercises. During first excercise Dr. De Bono asked to jot down three basic requirements for office and then to challenge any one requirement and find the other possibilities. In Second Exercise He talked about unemployment and asked should everyone have more than one job? He then spoke about parallel jobs and half jobs. Third Excercise was based on Airlines Occupancy in relation to the Swim in which Reduce the prizes and increase values concept was discussed.

Fourth Session was on Motivation of workers in relation to Chair. In Fifth excercise he talked on Six Thinking Hats, his bestselling book and Six distinct states which can be identified and assigned a color. In last excercise he discussed that Keeping in mind the six hats decide should marriage be a five year contract or not.

Mr. Rajiv Narang, Vice president, Erehwon Consulting took the stage and shared his ideas on “What does it take for an organization to make innovation happen?”