
13 Jun 2014|Noida | F1 MDP Room

NASA Scientist Dr. Kumar Krishen Delivers Lecture on Space Technology at Amity University

Amity Institute of Space Science & Technology organized a lecture by Dr. Kumar Krishen, Lead Technologist for the Technology Transfer & Commercialization office, NASA Johnson Space Center, on the topic New Technology Innovations with Potential for Space Applicationsin Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

The lecture was attended by Prof. M.S Prasad, Director, Amity Institute of Space Science &Technology; Dr. R C Deka, Advisor to the founder; Dr. Sanjay Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Aerospace and faculty members.

While introducing the speaker, Dr. M.S Prasad said that Dr. Kumar Krishen has developed strategies for joint research and technology projects and plans with industries, universities, other NASA centers, and government agencies. He has advanced original concepts and method in several technical disciplines. His research and engineering efforts have led to several experiments on skylab, seasat in his credits and has over 170 technical papers, presentations and report.

During his lecture, the Dr. Kumar Krishen explained in details to how space missions are deemed safe, reliable, cost-effective and highly productive — playing a significant role in the fields of research and space development. He also talked about the latest technologies that NASA has been utilizing, which includes ionic polymer-metal composite technology, solid state lasers, time domain sensors and communication systems, nano-technology and neural networks.

Briefing the gathering about the space exploration, Dr. Krishen said that it is extremely expensive to take every kilogram of matter into space. There are some practical difficulties which NASA is working on to solve like to minimize everything into 1/10 of weight or reducing size or generating power into spacecrafts facing particle radiations, temperature, thermo-cycling etc. Dr. Krishen said that to solve most of the problems scientists have to device multi function modular system. He went to explain the functioning of various technologies for both mankind and space innovation such as superconductors that are used for rocket emission and it can revolutionize the MRI system. He further added that wavelength technology is the revolution which will be available in market in next 5- 10 years.

Scientists, Faculty and Senior Officials of Amity University were present during the lecture session